ALScrapper Intro
Hello all! I have been scrapping common metals for a while now and am branching out into the escrap world. I went out on the internet trying to do my homework on the topic and found this forum. I do have some questions so that is why I started with the "tips and advice" threads. Wow! Some people are down right rude about someone new asking questions. I think there is plenty of scrap business to go around in the world and it is not necessary to try to slam someone just for asking a question. Anyway, I do this for fun and a little extra income. I work a full time job in the medical field and live in the Birmingham, Alabama area. I am not out to get rich but do think this is a great way to make some money and be responsible through recycling. I appreciate those who took the time to kindly answer my questions and remind me to introduce myself. I look forward to participating in the discussions on the forum.
didnt slam you for asking a question, but for not reading stickys or any thing else . I know thisa because your question has been answered dozens and dozens of times. welcome to the forum now that you have followed some of the protocal at least. ask away.
Hello ALScrapper! Welcome to the forum.
Thank you for the introduction and welcome to the forum. If we sounded rude it is because we will get a lot of people comming here for a quick answer without introducing themselves or useing the search tool first.
I bet that most of your questions have already been answered and by using the forum search you can find the answers.
Good luck and welcome to the forum.
What are the odds? I just joined and am also from the Birmingham area and work in the medical field.:)