Older CPUs Worth More Than Scrap Value
Found an interesting article about the value of older CPUs. Here's an excerpt:
“For those individuals ready to set off on a treasure hunt for rare and valuable microprocessors here’s a quick list,” said Gallagher. “C4004, C4040, 8080, C8080, MC8080, G8008, X8008, C8085 and C8086, all these go for at least $100 and some of them will go for over $1,000. Generally speaking anything from Intel with a date code from the 1970s is worth more than its gold value. Gold value for most ceramic computer chips is around $2 to $4.”
Entire article is here: http://archive.arabnews.com/?page=11...d=5&m=1&y=2006
Dated 2006 so gold value a bit off. Hope this is useful.