got 30 monitors...but get this story...
So, I check the free section of c/l quite a bit, and on Saturday I came across an ad...30 free monitors, posted 10 minutes before. I email, give my number, and another 10 goes by and my phone rings. I'm told he's setting up the ad for another person, I was the first to respond, and show up at (blank) elemetary school mon or tues before noon. 2 hours later I get a text from my buddy/tv supplier, who runs a metal recycling buissiness with his dad (specializing in freon items) asking if I want 30 monitors...the conversation goes:
"Hey, want 30 monitors?"
"Dude, i'm all over that. Picking them up mon or tues, when I can get ahold of a truck"
"I don't want them, I was going to get them for you. Guy contacted my dad, and he said he'd take them, with you in mind."
"Wait, you're not talking abou the CL ad?"
"...What ad?..."
This leaves me scratching my head...we talk a bit more, and I ask him if he's cool with going out to get them with me, and i'd pitch him a couple bucks for his time. He tells me "Sure, no problem, keep in contact with the guy, keep me posted."
So, Monday morning comes. 8:30 I call him, he says "Give me 30 mins, i'll swing by and get you."
I go to make room in my garage, and 20 minutes later I get a text: "they're already in my truck. Explain when I get there."
Puzzled even farther, I continue cleaning, and begin to drool as I see his truck back into my driveway...he jumps out and says:
"Get this s***. I get ready, and as I'm leaving I see them piled in the back of my truck. I ask my dad what the deal is, and he tells me he already went to the school at 7:30 to pick them up. By 8 AM there were 2 more guys there for them. The guy who posted the ad on C/L was telling EVERYONE who responded to show up Monday morning, not telling them that he was telling EVERYONE this. Because my dad was there half an hour early, he got them all. PLUS he's going to be getting a call in a week or two, as their replacing every monitor in the school, and because he showed up early, he's got first crack at the rest. So expect more, my dads name is all over them, and they're all coming to you. All this went down while I was still in bed."
So, it was one of those cases where it pays to know people...Cuz I know I woulda been pissed if I arranged to use a vehicle, and then got there to find out i'd been dogged...
So I paid him with 4 refridgerant compressors I had laying around. He has a buyer who pays $3-$5 a piece, so it cost me about $20 in the end...but scrapped out at around $5 a piece i'm looking around $110-$130 profit...