#2 plastic bottles
I just found a yard that will take #2 plastic bottles for .05 a pound. This is a different yard than the one that takes #1 plastic bottles and glass bottles / jars. Looks like more places are willing to start paying for plastic. I will save mine up and see what happens when I turn it in!:)
good luck hobo...how's the target practice going ?
Can you give a description of what is considered to be number one and number two plastic bottles?
.05 for plastic bottles is pretty cool. One bottle doesn't weigh much of nothing but I'm sure it wouldn't take much effort to line up a small route collecting thousands of plastic bottles.
I was thinking instead of buying a compactor I could just run them over with a car/truck/lawn tractor and completely flatten them out then sweep them up.
http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/topic/vermic.../ag473-12.html Try one of these do-it-yourself balers, wouldn't have much cost involved. A couple of bales would pay for it, and they would be easier to stack and store.
#1 plastic is water bottles, 2 ltr soda, gatorade etc.
#2 plastic is detergant bottles, milk jugs, shampoo etc.
#1 is still at .30 lb while #2 is .05 lb
Takes alot to make a pound though. A baleer as mentioned above would be cool...
That is pretty darn good for some ol plastic. No where around me buys it,,,unless their is and I haven't found them yet.
Hobo do you have any idea how many bottles are in the average pound?
i'm sure if its just a yard i'm sure they're just charging a flat rate...
but clear vs. colored gets a different price for PET 1.
same thing with HDPE 2... Color vs. Nude (translucent milk jugs)
I've talked to some buyers and plastic prices fluctuate as well.
Go figure. Green and Blue plastics prices rise during the fall season so they can gear up to start making the coating for Christmas decorations
Milk jugs are actually #4 LDPE.
Milk Jugs can also be called HDPE Natural. I am always interested in any kinds of plastics.
Yea It takes alot of plastic to make any money. A full 33 gal bag of #1 water bottles is only 10 lbs
#1 water bottle .30 a pound
#2 natural .10 lb
#2 colored .02 lb