Long time lurker...
Hello all!
I have been reading through the site for the past few months and have found a wealth of information! Thanks everyone for the useful info...
A little about me...I am an inside buyer for a large scrap yard in the Denver Metro area. My yard specializes in commercial and farm cleanups. My specialty is non-ferrous items. I am learning more about e-scrap in hopes of growing that area of our operation.
How I can help you...working at a scrap yard I can give you tips on how to clean and sort your scrap to maximize profit. I can also give you info on great places to find scrap and answer questions on legality issues.
Cheers, Cory
Welcome to the forum. Care to divulge what yard you represent.
See this is what I like seeing too, actual buyers for scrap yards willing to show other entrepreneurs and scrappers how to cash in big.
KZ...I am sure if you thought about it hard enough you could ascertain what yard.
Good to have you with us lush...I'm looking forward to your posts.
There are only 100 scrap yards in the denver metro area I cant start to think which one you could be with. But if you say ALL recycling I want to meet you next time I go to the yard :)
Welcome aboard!
" I can also give you info on great places to find scrap and answer questions on legality issues."
O.k. Everybody's waiting. What's your first best place to find scrap?