Ewaste PM content per unit volume
Greetings and thanks for the awesome information source.
I am looking to confirm the relative amounts of PM per unit volume. The reason is as follows:
I process ewaste as a way to acquire PMs without affecting my normal income. I would rather be pursuing my hobbies of hunting and fishing, but I believe the dollar will continue to fall etc. etc. So my tactic is to process and sell ewaste to break even, and then skim and hoard the material with the most PMs. I focus on volume because space is my limitation, not weight.
I don't currently refine and don't have the volume to go to a refiner, but I would keep all options open as my cache grows.
I always keep all CPUs, Memory, and easily removable IC chips. My margins seem to be high enough to start keeping the next PM dense items. So my question is what it would be?
Slot cards or just the fingers?
High end telecom
My rankings are as follows:
Ceramic CPUs
Gold fingers (which I haven't kept yet, due to the labor component)
Fiber CPUs, RAM
Hard Drive Cards
IC Chips, P4 cpus
I would love to hear your thoughts,