And we're off to have a baby!!!
Hey all! Thanks for the kind words and well wishes on our new grandbaby. Figured I'd start this thread to keep everyone updated. They just checked my daughter into the hospital. Can ya believe it? Midnight thirty to have a baby?! I guess that's the new way.
Anyway they gonna induce labor and baby Lucas should be here later today! My wife and my mom are both up there with her right now. I'm heading that way as soon as Junior gets home from work. Been up since 5:00 a.m. so it's gonna be a long day for both our new mom and paw-paw.
That's all for now. I'll get back to yall as soon as I can. With pics! Keep us all in prayers and thanks again! :cool:
Update with pics! Finally!
:D Well, 17 hours in labor ended up with a c section for the new mom. Poor baby. I was feeling real bad for her. Big time worried. But, she pulled through. Just like the champ she is! And so did the newest addition to our lil family.:D He came into this world at 7lb. 1oz. 19 1/2 in. long. He was a screamin and a fightin and waving them lil ol arms of his!:) H-ll he's already got the makings of a fine lil scrapper! So without further ado I present to you all:
Mr. Lucas Able Brandon
The lil "sleepyhead"
My baby with her baby
My next lil scrapper:cool:
:cool: I guess you all can tell I'm not only a happy pappy, I'm also very happy grand pappy! But like I tell em, I'm still way cool! :cool: