Hello from Louisville Kentucky!!!
Hey All!!!
I'm new to the forum...
just a short intro....
My name is Will...
I got into scrapping... from first coming across stuff on the side of the road people were throwing out, that I thought I could sell on craigslist...
For the longest time, that is all I did... whatever I could sell I would pick and that was it... Gotta dig free money...
A number of things opened me up to the other side of scrapping...
Few years back when the economy first took it's nose dive...
You started hearing reports of people stealing catalytic converters air conditioning units and copper piping....
I was like... that's pretty crappy... but there must be some kind of benefit to these guys, or they wouldn't be doing that sort of thing, not to mention the risk...
I was like oh well... times are tough, people are unfortunately doing what they feel they have to do... to bad they can't figure out something better, so others
don't have to pay the price....
I went about my merry way finding craigslist items and selling... as I found stuff over the years, I increasingly came across scrappers... the population seemed
to be growing...
Over time...
I wasn't getting so lucky on the finds, and it was taking longer to sell items, and the profit margin was getting less and less....
I'm always thinking and looking for a way to increase cash flow, so I finally started trying to scrap....
I'm very very new at it, but saw the profit in it... So I think I'm going to try an expand upon it....
I've been reading the forum for a little bit....
Love the information....
Good luck to everyone....