Pulled a all nighter and what a ride it has been.
Well this Monday i went ball to the wall and covered 3 times my normal routes and really paid off. 2 tons of steel, 15 tvs, 7 pounds brass, 35 pounds copper, lots of wire etc etc etc lots of good stuff. Well im just heading to the scrap yard when i get a call about a guy that just won a few storage lockers and one of my guys i buy stuff off of passed my number along. well he telling me over the phone hes got all this and that and i just think great more crap that im gonna waste money on. So i get there and he got a danm nice pile of computer parts and accessories. I filled up my little civic till i was riding old blind guy style one my way home. Just as im driving past a speed trap BAM 3 more printers in a trash can. pop over and grab them all while the cops think that im going to go crazy and staring me down. So i grab the printers and open a door that i thought had some space and the wall of electronics com spilling out. I got a hurt foot and the cops got a good laugh. Ended up getting back home and i start looking at everything i got. And i think to myself danm i might have just actually did really good on this deal. I wanna take some photos when i wake back up, but im pretty stoked about getting this pile for only 50 bucks, just because i got a clicky key board out of it, 3 new printers, 5 new motherboards still in original casing. guess its time to rock out the ebay now. :-D :cool: