My name is Charles I live in Southern Illinois. I scrap and do firewood between scrap jobs. The area I live in is a depressed area all of the scrap is cleaned up so I have to travel out of my area to scrap. I have a 2007 4500 GMC / 1529 Massey Ferguson tractor / Cat fork lift / 2 trailers one is a half tilt with 5 ton winch. I work by my self. I am 71 years old I will work till I die. I take one load a week to scrap yard 8 ton load. Number one prepared. That makes me happy. Thanks all info is app.
Welcome CRThomas from up state Illinois
Holy crap! I hope I am working at 71! That is something to look forward to and luckily have under 50 years to go!
71 years old and 8 ton a week. Let that be a lesson about hard work to everyone.
That's super! Charles :) Certainly good to have you around!
Welcome to the forum. You must be a very healty 71 year old. I first started working when I was 14 and the guy I worked with was 71. We did landscaping and that guy could out do me everyday. I am glad to hear you are still working, Mike.
thats great man thanks for posting hope to hear words of wisdom from you!