Cisco Switches. My results
Ran across large cisco switches. $30 each. Like these.
After doing lots of research I found out they are mostly worthless. (Now, keep in mind, some of the boards for these get thousands of dollars, just none of the one's I had. Do your research!) I can maybe get $160 for each chassis when emptied out... but then I would have to pay shipping off of that. I figure around 80 lbs each empty. Shipping would kill the deal.
I decided to scrap them. One was a nine slot Cisco 6500 and 2 Were 6 slot 6500. 2 of the slots were empty. So I had 19 slots filled. I took all the boards off the metal backers and got a total of 79 lbs of boards. I took the 3 back planes out and got around 17 lbs of back planes.... and hundreds of screws and standoffs. Thank god for the highspeed screwdriver!
2 buyers called these Telecom boards! Nice! The buyer I went with wanted the heat sinks removed... So a few pounds less in board weight, and a few pounds more in my aluminum buckets. As I was knocking the heat sinks off, some of the Aluminum caps came off the processors. (There is what looks like a processor under each heatsink). Wouldn't you know it, there is a plate of gold under each processor cap. I guess there is gold in the chips. I just never saw it before.
Anyway... I am finally going to try Ewasted... since you have all given him such good reviews.
Here's the pics. Enjoy.