First time tearing apart electronics-need some adivice..Tons of pictures!
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It's the bottom half of an EAS scanner (the gates that set off alarms if people try to shoplift something with a security tag on it).
The ic chips that are plugins, pull them and put them in seperate container worth about $5lb. All the brown board, I believe is the lowest grade and certainly not worth shipping. I toss them in with the shred at $0.12lb.
All the boards out of the old computer are good as mother board, finger board and maybe telcom. Its up to your buyer to detemin.
The boards on the bottom of the drives are also high grade boards. I will guess the hard drive is mostly Al and may have some SS in it as well. Along with great rare earth magnets, I use them to determine if the SS is high enough to go in the SS bucket.
The connectors in the first three photos I would put in my gold plated connector bucket and I got paid $1.80lb the last time I sold.
Here is a great thread to read, best of luck, Mike.
good grief, too many pictures to load
Bear break down and get a faster connection. lol
not an option where i live, unless you'd be willing to pay the astronomical satellite bills ;)
I thought you guys like photos, thats why i took all of the photos. Thanks for all of your input, keep it coming!
Bear is whinning because he has a dial up connection. If you are young you don't know how slow it can be. I would guess it took several minutes for him to view your photos. And we do prefer to see what you are talking about. Mike.
where did you get the name resourceful? that's a good one
When thinking about a buisness name, i was considering many comfort names, and resourceful came to my mind.
I believe the EDS computer you broke down is worth much more on the resale market than scrap value. I found out that they are an old computer manufacturing company from Germany. My suggestion would be to place everything you pulled out of there, including the shell, in a box and start asking questions on the computer collector forums.
The boards that you have are nice. I see mostly high grade in your green boards . The brown boards can be stripped of their goodies and resold as low grade. Throw the connector ends with gold plating in a box they have scrap value of x < $2
Im sure they do have resale value, but my issue is i have alot work. I mean i work 6 days a week 10 hours a day. I do not only do e-scrap, i also do all kinds of recycling. So i dont have time at night to spend tons of times on fourms looking for buyers for collecting computers. Great idea just dont have time.
If you see any gold showing (pins or fingers) Then your looking at usually hi grade. The first pic looks like a brass phone connector. Cat 5 looks almost the same but has more lil pins than a phone line/cord and is gold. You kept the least valuable thing in the keyboard, hang onto the plastic film, when you get a couple of pounds then you can ebay them or maybe sell on one of the gold forums. If all the sorting and deciding is giving you a headache you might try just selling the electronic stuff to a ewaste scrapper.
Example of a mid grade;
Example of a low grade;
Example of a motherboard;
Example of cord ends;
Originally Posted by
not an option where i live, unless you'd be willing to pay the astronomical satellite bills ;)
Bear i live out in the booneys aand had dial up for a long time. About 6 months ago i called wildblue and i qualified for some goverment grant deal because i had no high speed accsess. it cost me 40 a month and i didnt have to pay a dime for equipment or installation. Its on 1mb download speed but its a whole lot better than dial up. I got rid of my dial up and my land line and save about 40 bucks a month.
Originally Posted by
Bear is whinning because he has a dial up connection. If you are young you don't know how slow it can be. I would guess it took several minutes for him to view your photos. And we do prefer to see what you are talking about. Mike.
That's almost as good as the "resourceful" thing, Mike. No, this isn't whining, this is disgusting. After reading your comment, I sat here and let it load. (20 minutes now, and counting) My first glimpse (earlier) of the photos posted seemed like a deja vu, as I've been reading most every thread here going on almost two months, and cannot count the times, i've seen "most" all of these items discussed in great detail on other threads. The "noob question" on another thread, where that fella read all threads for a month, and took page after page of notes, you still reminded him to read, read, read. How many times have you said that here?
My only other question for this "resourceful" fella, is if he hasn't the time to look any part of this up, but expects you to do it instead, how did he find time to do this photo presentation in the first place?
Originally Posted by
Bear i live out in the booneys aand had dial up for a long time. About 6 months ago i called wildblue and i qualified for some goverment grant deal because i had no high speed accsess. it cost me 40 a month and i didnt have to pay a dime for equipment or installation. Its on 1mb download speed but its a whole lot better than dial up. I got rid of my dial up and my land line and save about 40 bucks a month.
Cool! i'll jot that down :)
I was going to say that you may be reading info based on where I got my pic's from. They were handy to get to for an example. Some of you people might recognize the pic's.
lol mech! ohno! i'm glad i came back to read that lol, if i can get this thread to stand still long enough to press the button!