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This weekend I landed a clean out job that netted me around 500 lbs of shred, $300, and a camper. Piece of cake. Wish every weekend was like that.
Then I get home...... Stupid cow is out.....again(happens at least 4 times a day).
That's it! We are tying him up for good. My partner, wife, sister-in-law, and I all go at this for 4HOURS trying to get I'm cornered. This cow is a direct descendant of the cow that jumped over the moon....I've never seen a cow get air like this guy does! He jumps the fences into the other pastures every time..... finally corner him in the quonset to pin him up against the wall and put the halter on him.....ideally. He ends up running over me over and hurts my arm real bad( thought it was dislocated) but I got that halter by george! Then we pin him with a truck and I grab the halter and he JUMPS OVER THE TRUCK!, runs me over again and drags me halfway across the pasture....this time I am done, I re-injured my leg so bad I couldn't walk, blood was coming out of my skin graft, and I don't have any pain pills. My ankle has hurt since then and it's hard to walk as it gives out now. This is one cow I would gladly put the bolt in when we take it to butcher. My wife always said she thought I'd be sexy as a cowboy.....just didn't know it would be so painful to fulfill a woman's fantasy LOL! Oh well, one bad cow outta seven isn't to bad I guess.
Lesson learned this weekend: Cows are strong........ get more men.