Have been thinking about this a lot the last week or so. I wanted to get opinions on how to approach RE Agents/Mortgage Companies/REO brokers. e-mail/office visit/mail them?
Have been thinking about this a lot the last week or so. I wanted to get opinions on how to approach RE Agents/Mortgage Companies/REO brokers. e-mail/office visit/mail them?
Ive had some success with mass emailings. I would think you might be takin more seriously with an office visit but I would call first to see if they are even interested before wasting my time driving out to them. Just today I went and picked up a pickup truck load of computers from a mass emailing I did back in january. The cool part was I offered to pay for the stuff in my original email and when he emailed me he just wanted the stuff gone.
Haven't seen him on in a long time M688. To be honest I didn't even think about that.
I'm not sure about real estate agents, but I know banks hire business' to completely clean out forclosed houses and do small repairs (bored up broken windows, change locks, lawn mowing ect...). I had a buddy who worked for one of those business' and he'd call me whenever he was close to my place. He'd give me all the metal. His company was throwing everything into a container to be taken away so I was saving them money by taking the weight.
Those guys are RE Preservation Contractors. I'm trying to pick them up as well. Not sure about Maine, but in NJ they are sub contractors down here. They get paid for doing the lock changes,lawns,winterizes and all that stuff. I have 2 of them on my list, but that's just not enough at the moment. I sent out about 75-80 emails to RE Agents last night and already had a phone call back from one inviting me to a business card exchange/networking event on May 3rd with other contractors and RE Agents. So I guess even if I only receive that one phone call it will pay off sooner or later. My dad also caught the guy yesterday who does the hvac replacements in our complex (he did ours 3 weeks ago) and he said when he comes down my way he'll call us and we can throw them in the truck. The best part is he doesn't keep anything so I get the coils too.
It a good idea you have but dont be surprised if the RE's want you to be insured. They don't want to be responsible for any damages that may be caused during a clean outs, unless you are set up as a business already then you have no problem. That should also be a selling point, for you to say you are insured.
Just to throw in my two cents, I am a clean-out contractor. Most of us figure out pretty quickly that we can scrap appliances and such for extra cash. I'm not sure how many go the extra step and learn on forums like this one though.
If you make an offer that keeps them from going to the scrap metal yard it may make sense for them to sell to you. However in my case I have a deal worked out where a 60 yard container is in my lot for steel and inside the building I break everything else down into more valuable scrap. Not sure what you could offer me to make it more advantageous to me to sell to you.
Not trying to discourage you, I just thought you might like my perspective.
That's why I try to deal directly with the home owner. Drop a card, explain what I do.
I did foreclosure clean-ups for many years and it is increasingly cut throat. You are at the the mercy of the Fed and when they release money to the banks then the flood gates open and they want them all done like yesterday. The insurance is a must and watch out for needles in the tweeker pads. I made good money sometimes and sometimes it was so unbelievably gross I could not take it. Many RE/Banks want pics of proper disposal at the dump and sometimes they balk at recycling efforts (cardboard,using bricks as rip-rap, etc.). It is very difficult to pull off the clean-ups w/o help due to deadline demands.
Just as Burly said, im also an REO contractor and that is one of the things we do also... it covers the extra expense we have come up on us sometime... i service 6 counties in nj so it off sets the extra driving/ issues that come up... Keep trying though im sure youll get a few hits here and there...sometimes when im in an area i cant take the scrap with me, so i call the local scrapper from CL and let him or her know about the situation and i just give it to them figure i get some and i give back some for the next guy trying to make some extra $$$$...
like burly said keep trying ... just make sure that when they do call your avail or you have someone avail to do the pickup that way they will start calling you ... the haulers know they can make money on the stuff but if they have 3-4 houses to get done in one day it may not be possible for them to sit at the metal yard
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