relay scrap price
is there a buyer for relays i got a huge pile of low grade power board kind with all the small transformers heatsinks and relays. i have no local buyer so its not worth it for me to ship these out so im going to tear them apart transformers capacitors relays aluminum heatsinks.
If you put in ur info where you live we could give you a better idea of the buyers in ur area.
im located in Vermont.
i also got a bunch of relays out of a wescom telephone power supply ring generator. i know some of the old telecom equipment used solid gold contacts not plated or paladium and platinum. how can i determine what these are. the tips are so tiny but i got alot of them.
Nothing ever uses "Solid Gold" for pins no matter how old it is. Gold is A: Expensive and B: soft when it's pure. It will always be plated or a mix of gold/much stronger metal.