Helping other half at work pays off..
So my wife conned me into helping her out at work hanging drapes. They offered 8.50 an hour, I countered with 50 of the tvs they were going to swap out..they accepted. lol.:D
So..for about 8 hours work I scored 50 tvs. Nice side benefit of this is the GM of the hotel, and the owners now know I scrap, and they have 4 other hotels all within a hour or two drive of me. I'll be talking with the gm and owner about being the first on their list once Hurricane/storm season hit, or for when they swap out stuff again in the future at other properties.
Not big bucks, but big enough for my wallet, and a helluva a lot better then 8.50 plus taxes removed..etc. Haha.
Coming back from picking up 35 of the tvs, I found a nice computer tower, still loaded with the HD, and all the other goodies, a sony flat screen and a nice alum backyard table set.
I'ma happy scrapper.
Sirscrapalot - scoping out storage units as he's run out of room in his workshop for all the tvs.