Mine was a dell with windows 98 on it
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Mine was a dell with windows 98 on it
Commadore 64 with a cassette drive
Just got one of those the other day in a bunch of "old stuff". Came with a disk drive, printer, joysticks, and a bunch of other bits. Must have been someones pride and joy back in the day.
My first computer I owned was a home made apple2+ clone. Used tapes too, though I did eventually get a disk drive for it. Still have it somewhere.
yep commodore 64
Commodore 128...long gone.
Clone built 8088, 1024kb RAM with external 20lb 5MB hard drive.
Apple II gs
mine was an adam.
same here...commodore 64.
A commodore PET, Also had an Epson portable that ran on CPM.
We used Commodore 64s, TI-99/4As and TRS-80s at school. At home I had an Apple ][e that I got the parts that upgraded it to an Apple ][c. For college, I bought the Apple clone - a Laser 128.
There's nothing like the old dot matrix printers. You want italics or bold? Open it up and switch the dip switches. Same thing if you want 10 point or 12 point type.
Trash 80... Um I mean TRS-80..... originally I only had the tape drive and cartridges.... but someone I knew got rid of all their trs-80 stuff and gave it to me when the got a IBM clone... so I had a second computer, a 4 slot cartridge box, disk drive... I kinda miss the computer... had a couple of games I liked.
insane asylum? no pics but you were stuck in a whacko ward trying to get out.
Dungeons of dagaroth.... stick pictures.. same kind of pics as in asteroid....
there was one other one I liked but can't rememeber....
Ok you commedore guys... what was the game where the beggining of the level the "boss" said "destroy him my robots"? Driving me crazy
edit: found it right away with google... was Imposible Mission
Am I the only one that started with a Commodore Vic 20? Cassette of course. Then the 64 with the 1541 floppy drive, followed by the 128.
commadore 64 but my first real one was a Tandy 1000 by the way good to see u back.
A 486, but I can't remember the brand. I am the youngest of four and when it come to computers growing up I was always on the side of "no, you'll break it", So when I was 16 or 17 my older bro gave me this computer and said "do what you like, and if you end up breaking it, it's okay." I kept it for several years until I messed with some files that I shouldn't had, but it was all good:)
Vic 20 with a tape recorder and a moon lander cartridge.