as you know I was broken into a few days ago and they tore down half the wall of my shed to do it. just gat a cal from my partner (whale #1) on the server deal. last night he got broken into. they didnt get the good stuff thousands of ram, copper heat sinks servers and such, they were too stupid to know what it was worth. instead they got some alu gutters. an old giant industrial sewing machine and other scrap.
the problem is I am the only guy he has ever sold scrap too so I come under imediate suspision since I arranged the first deal, and I know where every thing is located on the property.
I told him the first place I want searched by the sheriff is my place. most of the yards arround here are closed on saturday so if the investigters move fast (an oximoron here) they can catch the pric*s red handed.
now here is an interesating factoid. the only direct connection between my break in and his is we both use the same hauler who reciently let go a not too brite young kid who knows both lay outs.
this could have major reprecussions on my partnership with Whale #1 on the big server deal.
here is our connection, he has the source to the servers, I have the knowledge on how to maximize the comp scrap and where to get the best price. That is the only thing that binds us in the partner ship.
I understand his suspission of me. we are from 2 different worlds. he's a millionare. and Im a scrapper. and the only possable way any one would know where his scrap was located is through me and my down line connections. which are 3 people. so one of the 4 of us has to be guilty. I under stand that. the fact that I had an unprovable break in just adds to the suspision. I can prove the destruction of the wall to my shead, but I cant prove I didnt do it my self, and I can't prove what was stolen.
I am a realist, a pretty smart one with a million miles of life experience, he is an IT geek,so, I know exactly what is going through his mind.
I need help to figgure how to go from here to try to save this deal. If all else failes I am thinking I will just give up my sources to him and let the chips fall where they may. A logical mind would realise I would not jepordize a $200,000 deal for $200 dollars worth of alu, but as we all know Im just a scrapper in his eyes and we know what the public thinks of scrappers. help me chew on this one.