Hello from Richmond, VA.
Hey guys,
New to the forum. I found this place when I started researching the possibility of scrapping to earn some extra income.
About me: I'm a recent graduate who is in limbo between undergrad and grad school. Currently working as an intern for well known program in Richmond, but paying rent on an "intern's salary" is getting pretty difficult. So, I'd like to give it a go at working for myself since time constraints are a problem for me when trying to find a paying position.
I'm going to be starting off small, but it's better than not starting at all. Oh, and I'm mostly a lurker around forums so I'll probably "go back into hiding" after my initial introduction :cool:.
Welcome to the forum. It's ok to be a lurker, read all the old post and you'll learn alot.
Hello Peterson, I am also living in Richmond. and just signed up today?
That's mostly what I do is lurk and see what bits and pieces I can gather from this great forum.