are these number 2 insulated?
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are these number 2 insulated?
By me yes they are.
are they worth stripping?
I don't strip wire out here, as you need a busniess license to get bare bright price. They do not buy stripped wire the public.
Yes some people strip wire but you will find the stranded type difficult to strip by hand. Lots has been written on this subject on this forum.
I am surprised to find out Az has outlawed striped wire. Just another attempt to control free commerce.
If you do strip then put it in the #2 copper and stranded will be #2 unless the individual strands are the same diameter as a #2 pencil lead or larger.
All Bare Bright has to be #1 copper first and many yards don't have that classification only #1 and #2 copper. Mike.
Power cords from monitors, cut the plug off, they have gold pins, I leave all plugs on the cords unless they have gold pins.
the multipin that goes to the computer
Thanks guys ,that's what I meant to say. How about the femail ends that don't have pins but have little slots that pins go in, are they gold also?
Thanks guys ,that's what I meant to say. How about the female ends that don't have pins but have little slots that pins go in, are they gold also?
Like these and also those ends off the power supply.
Power supply ends are not gold. Some of them might be brass - but not gold.
I was under the understanding that power supply ends are brass.
How about the ends of telephone cords, are they gold as well? I've been saving them just in case.
AZ and CA have some of the worst scrap laws in the country.In cali if you sell non ferris you have to wait three days to get paid.If you dont have a contractors license.
I know in my ten years of living in tucson, az...there a lot of Meth heads/tweekers. Which explains the law there. Sadly as has been said on these vary boards, the tweekers and thieves are ruining it for the rest of us.
Sucks ya can't take'm to your local yard without a hassle, on the bright side as was mentioned you got High Voltage.
Oh yea, far as Cali goes..just remembered...Tulare, Ca was one of the bigger meth capitals in the USA a dozen or so years ago. Between Meth and the crack heads its no surprise.
Sirscrapalot - No friend to tweekers and thieves.
I thought the only ends on the psu that are gold plated are saTA? Correct me if Im wrong please.....
I had to go to Google just now to understand that tweekers (or tweakers)* are meth heads. I always just thought it meant thieves.
*Apparently, either spelling is acceptable. How about that?