Coffee, Tea or Tandy...
Started out the day with the 4s's, you know, S...ShowerShaveSpend time with granddaughter. Nothing better than that! I had hauled off a number of loads of desks, cabinets, etc...a few weeks ago from a school in downtown Cincy. I ended up with the laptop cart that is pictured below. I sold it to another school,($300) that had just given me over 100 units (more coming) and I had stopped to get the check after the kids picked up my granddaughter. As I was leaving I ran into one of the teachers that I have known for many years, and he asked if I wanted to stop by and have a cup of coffee. While we were sitting there catching up a little, his wife suggested he show me a cabinet full of "junk" in the basement. WELLLLLL when he started telling me what he had stored down there, I started drooling and it was not from the fresh baked goodies his wife had put out. IT IS ALL A BLUR FROM THERE! I remember getting my gloves from the truck and trying to figure out how to politely get out QUICK after the truck was loaded. It was one of those loads... I got home, had to open up every piece and look inside, stuff is still laying everywhere. I thought sharing a few pics would be a good way to start to get to know some of you!
That last one is a 70 MEG, yes MEG, external hard drive that use to handle all of the schools data backup.
Have a great evening, well, morning now :)
God Bless, BroJer
cool beans! man :) how much does that hard drive weigh?
the complete unit is 15.4. the hard drive alone is 5.6. the only thing that is not aluminum are a few of the screws. been a long time since I saw something that had 50 pin ribbon wire in it
Hi Jerry, I missed your intro. Just went back and read it....welcome to the forum. It looks like you could teach us a thing or two about networking. Enjoy tearing into all that good stuff !
Very nice. I just had one of those old IBMs in your second pic. Unfortunately the battery leaked and ate up the motherboard, but it still had some nice scrap weight to the stuff inside.
Hi Dee, Thanks for the reply! Pretty lame intro I posted, but I started reading and reading and READING and thought it best I take my time and READ MORE before I jumped in. ;-) I actually started putting it all back together this morning. While the boards would look good in one of the scrap trays, there is just a little to much history to can it all yet. The one piece is a Tandy Card Reader. It was packed away in the original box with the software. I have to watch myself with this kinda find as I tend to get attached to stuff. I am sure there is noooooooooooooooobody else here with that problem. HA
Have a blessed day!
Nice to meet you PH! This one is pretty clean. I am considering taking the battery case apart and putting some new ones in just to see if it will work. No reason to think it would not. It has some pretty boards in it! Spent about 15 minutes looking at them under a loupe. yea yea yea I have issues
Very cool stuff. I don't know much about anything you have there but I know old somtimes means collectable. Check out ebay, Mike.
cool Jer :) I was wondering what those batteries for! I got a big hard drive out of some NASA stuff once, i was scrapping it out, when i got to this big piece that looked like a, huh? a giant hdd? it was! thing weighs 30 pounds! still got it :) You got some cool stuff there man :)
I never knew there were batteries like that in computers! Thanks for the pics and nice haul!
Hey Mike and New, thanks for looking. I should have put descriptions with the pics. The batteries are in a Tandy battery Backup unit that I think I can get working. The long boards with the HUGE al heat sink are out of an old daisy wheel printer. that was a blast to tear apart!
I rebuilt an e-machine for the guy I had coffee with and returned it yesterday. Well, I walked out with 4 more p2z to tear apart, a laptop, and this
I spent a few hours on it last night and it is now reading the TRSDOS disk. I can not believe that the disks have survived all these years and are readable. If I keep getting to much stuff like this I may be broker than I am now but may have a kewl museum LOL
Have a great Sunday!
Get yourself a USB 5 1/4 drive or a working old 5 1/4 drive and transfer some of that stuff to a CD. Then if the disk gets damaged you can recreate it from the CD back up.
tks PH, you know how this stuff goes...i scraped an external 5 1/4 and a handful of internals a few weeks ago. yea, what the heck will I EVAH need THAT for LOL need to keep one of everything I rekon.
what is that 4P portable, bottom photo, is that a compaq?
it is the back of the 4p. i/o bus and parallel port. was thinking about cracking it open, and getting a good look at the boards, but the warranty tag is not broken ;-)
Two years later and I still have that old TRS80p sitting here. And if the stuffs pile up much more, gunna b onna episode uh hoarders :k #mayneedtherapy
Oh my frakking Lord. I'd be peeing in joy if someone let me take their basement of goodies.
whatchit. may just give ya a key and you can clean this one out. #needtostartover lol #hoadershaven
I purged a couple weeks ago.
#pocketfullofcash #happywife
I like that old TRS-80 you got. got one in the shop that has survived a few purges.
Every time I get down to purging, I get busy as heck and it all gets buried again. Then it breeds and the piles of, "too kewl" "can get more than scrap" "will use it someday" begin to interbreed. Sounds like my family tree LOL
#needtojustdoit #wiferanoffsevenyearsago #allthemoneyisminemineMINE