If you are like me, you sometimes look at some of the stuff you break down and wonder if you could find new uses for it.
I saw this on Youtube today and thought it was cool.
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If you are like me, you sometimes look at some of the stuff you break down and wonder if you could find new uses for it.
I saw this on Youtube today and thought it was cool.
cant go wrong with a 8ft pickup bed trailer made from scrap, this is not my ad
8x5 trailer built solid need gone asap | Trailers | Gumtree Australia Glenorchy Area - Claremont
i was just thinking it would be awesome to modify the tailgate into a ramp, remove the rear bumper and make it so the tailgate can come down at an angle
You can use motors from treadmills to generate power from homemade windmills.
Stepper motors from photo copiers used for CNC projects, laser tubes and prisms used for do it yourself laser projects.
Scrapette the guys usually leave part of the truck frame extended from the box, then cut notches to bend it together so that a hitch can be welded on. This type of trailer tows heavy and hard on gasoline as your turning the gears inside the differential.
yea it's a cheap trailer, what you save is used up in fuel, there is no way to remove the gears inside and keep the axles in place.
The trailer in the picture below, at least the guy installed another free wheeling axle, but the frame he made is way to light.
Those older front wheel drive vans have a nice rear axle that makes a nice cheap trailer.
Just finished 6 drawers that I started 2 1/2 years ago all from scrap wood, my latest project is 4 small box's for things like easy outs.
The small boxes also made from scrap wood, that 100 year old Fir from an old house.
The truck box trailer uses the rear end as an axle, the center section with the gears contains lubricant which also lubricates the wheel bearings. When your towing a rig like this the gears are constantly turning adding drag to the tow.
Great trailer for once a month runs to the landfill, otherwise pass.
I'd love to know how to make one of those wind turbines. I really like the vertical axis ones. Since I don't understand a lot of the principles yet I'm doing a lot of research and I came across this vid today. It's for kids but it kind of cleared up some questions I had about how generators (?aka motors) work - even though I know there are different kinds of them.
I used to dumpster dive behind the cable company's technician shop. I found over 100 remote controls one day and harvested all of the infrared LED bulbs to make a night vision camera.
Most printers and scanners will have a stepper motor, easy to spot they have multiple wires coming off them. Also when you turn one by hand you can actually feel the steps go bump - bump.
The easiest type of wind mill generator is using a ready made stepper motor, I'm not going to go into detail but rather give you a link to read and some google search terms.
Some washing machines have what is called a smart drive motor, which incidentally are hot items to sell on ebay. The one shown below the guy has already fabricated a mount for the motor and windmill blades.
When a permanent magnet passes through or over a copper coil eddy currents are generated, we know this as electricity. Most modern generators use permanent magnets while this was no always so. Older generators had copper field coils with a copper wound armature this type of generator depended on residual magnetism or some types of generators required being excited with a tickle of electricity from an external source.
Older generators that depended on residual magnetism could fault if dropped or bumped or left unused for years, using a DC battery by touching the poles on the generator the magnetism could be restored bring the generator back into service.
Generator versus alternator, an alternator will not charge up a stone dead storage battery while a generator will. Any old car or truck equipped with a generator that is working can be push started with out even having a battery present. Yes sir the generator will make enough juice to start the vehicle.
I have this cool flashlight no battery's, just a copper coil with a permanent magnet that is allowed to pass through, the electrical current generated is stored in a super capacitor. This flashlight is known to hold a charge for a year or more.
Google Terms. "smart drive motor" "stepper windmill"
stepper motor Project.
Smart Drive Motor from washing machine stolen from here: http://www.thebackshed.com/windmill/assemblya.asp
For a trailer get a one ton axle,14 bolt from chevy is full floating. then cut the axle shafts off so you just have covers remove all guts.
landmine a boat yard I once worked at made boat moving trailers using this type of hub, they machined part of the axle housing off then welded these onto a walking beam for a tandem dually setup.
At the end of each walking beam on opposing sides they had a set of dual wheels mounted, the complete beam supported 8 tires per side of the trailer.
Free floating hub from 3/4 ton upwards any brand of vehicle.
Years ago before everyone got safety mad, some carnival rides used free floating hubs as the main bearing on some of the rides, this style hub has many more uses besides being used for a trailer.
Those merry go rounds you used to see at the parks where the kids would jump on and spin the thing with one foot handing off the side also used this hub.
The rocking horse used coil springs from an old car although they probably purchased then new and put there own part number on it.
This is how I got into scrapping. I was interested in circiut bending electronic toys. I quick ebay search will show a wide range of possiblities. Basically you take a sound producing item (toys in many cases), then add additional knobs, switches, etc to the circuit for effects the manufacture did not intend. I had no interest in buying all the knobs and switches so I yanked them from other peoples disgarded electronics. Afterwards I realized I could disassemble all types of things, broken or not, for parts that others needed for there projects (treadmill motors, stepper moters, Items with broken screens, but good electronics). So many items get throw out because one of their many parts are broken/damaged while the rest of the parts function properly. Identifying and retrieving useful parts for the diy crowd can produce good profits.
My write up on pick up bed trailers, 95% of the material is scrap.
Just got a 1 ton dually gona build into a trailer, this one is going to be made gooseneck. Already has a flatbed, going to stretch it to 10' long and add 3' sides. Stay tuned for a another write up
**** tater i need a flatbed for my new truck
I would never use a pickup bed trailer. I use nothing but professional looking equipment. This is what makes me stand out from my competitors.
You guys should check out pallet furniture and design on Google. I made my wife a sweet potting stand out of junk pallets this summer.
When you pay top dollar people give a $&!t less what you or your trailers look like. I do build good looking trailers that have working lights and safety chains. I keep my trailers in good repair but dents, dings and stuff like that happen. Being decent and fair with your customers goes further than any shiny new trailer can.
Is this for real? Has anyone tried this?
Free Energy Magnet Motor (Engine) - YouTube
Its fun to chase free energy,
That said, start reading books, plenty of them on the subject from 1900 to present
Two hard drives and a cautionary tale before New Year's -----the drunk robot.
Making Drunk Robot Out Of Junks - YouTube
To make this demonstration more confusing he could have also removed the rotor which is this case is actually a stator - fixed position. The fan would still have turned after installing the hard drive magnets.
Inside the Fan there is a circular magnet comprising of north and south poles in a continuous manner, when he installed the hard drive magnets they were arranged so that opposing corners of the fan housing were north pole while the other pair were south.
Since north and south poles repel each other he could make the fan turn.
Permanant magnets are fun to play with, especially since the discovery of rare earth magnets.
Haha! Drunk robot...Someone got into my traveling cooler!
Thanks for posting that Scrapette, and good to see you about more!
Sirscrapalot - Off to make a drunk robot...ha.
Scrapette drove a robot to drink ??!!!@!#$
My 3 year old wanted his own shop. It's about 8x8. Made 100% from stuff found on trash nights, even down to the nails (although it took almost 3 months of collecting all of this stuff). The walls are just pallets with scrap wood to cover the gaps.
The whole video is garbage made by people with too much time. There are many others like this on youtube.
Perpetual Motion motors are against the laws of physics.
If this really worked, we would all be driving cars powered by magnets, and receiving our electricity from plants using this technology. With a Perpetual Motion device the biggest problem you face is friction. The fan can't stay in motion because of friction, that is why some kind of energy is needed to overcome the friction and power the device. In this video the energy from moving air is used to power the fan. If this device did work, it would be simple to add a motor to generate power. Then just get bigger magnets and motors using the same theory to power your house, all for free.
i can't find the original video. perpetual motion with magnets is possible with the right design. would just have to replace the magnets every 100 years or so as they wore out.
I'm too ignorant about this to reply about the feasibility of magnet perpetual motion.
But I would like to say that just because a product or technology isn't widely used does not mean that it doesn't work - just look at solar, wind and hydroelectric power production for example. They all produce electricity that is essentially free after the needed hardware is obtained, but for a variety of reasons these are not as widely employed as they could be.
The same thing could be true of "magnet power" for all I know.
lol I figure noone would evah speak of that .....