What do you guys use as separaters/containers/organizers bins for scrap? besides of of course 5/55gallon barrels/drums..?
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What do you guys use as separaters/containers/organizers bins for scrap? besides of of course 5/55gallon barrels/drums..?
I've used rubbermaid tubs and bankers boxes. I got a bunch of bankers boxes for free from a document shredding business. I also use gaylord boxes and vinyl rolling warehouse carts/baskets.
I got a bunch of boxes from a flower shop for breaking down computers. They're long and narrow. I put a row of 5-6 on the floor near me so I can just throw heat sinks, wire, ferrite, copper etc, in separate boxes. DVDs and Hard Drives fit real nice, too.
I save all of my big coffee cans and cut a slot in the lid. Sharpie's write nice on the lids and they hold the little things that add up slowly.
haha, anything i can get my hands on ; ) (plus most of what's already been listed) one gallon plastic ice cream buckets work good for small stuff too
Milk crates, garbage pails, mail bins...a scrap yard near me usually has a pile of this stuff on the side that people leave behind. They mark them with the tare weight and have a sign saying you can take as many as you want.
I have a shopping cart. I'll just load it up at my pile of teardowns and work on it. It's the one time where I'm going to sell what's in my basket.
I scrapped a dishwasher and was left with a big sqaure plastic tub after everything was taken off. Its lightweight and holds alot. Great for a backyard steel recycling bin or wire.
plastic shells from wheelbarrows too
Some people use the cat litter buckets, I use banana boxes, totes, 25 gal. cardboard barrels. This is all for inside breaking down.
I have a few small containers/cans that mixed nuts come from a store. Comes with a plastic lid, there again you can write on it.
I use them for my small gold items, transistors, pins, etc.
Refrigerators, metal garbage pails, and microwaves are great for holding small steel and nuts and bolts. One time I loaded a garbage pail so much that I just screwed the thing shut. I have also done that with minifridges. These items are perfect because you can conserve space in your vehicle by filling them up with small stuff.
These are a little big, but I use the containers that farmers purchase chemicals in. I do purchase a neutralizer agent that I rinse the plastic tubs in before I use them. I separate the plastic tub from the metal cage and then have two containers, the metal cage and the plastic tub. I also cut the top out of the plastic container. When I go on a large job or to pickup a quantity of material is is very helpful to use these on a trailer.
I use about anything that I can recently I have been using plastic water tanks that leak and cutting the top off and filling them up. I also like cases from crt monitors the jokes in them let water just run through if I am storing stuff outside
what joe said, the plastic backs of crts seem to work well for holding stuff, i use them for holding insulated wire and mixed aluminum
I use old milk jugs with the tops cut off to hold small stuff like printer motors and transformers. I cut them off in a way to keep the handle intact.
Check out a car wash in your area...the barrels that the soap comes in are 55 gallons. I cut a couple in half and driil a couple of holes on each side. Then you can put some rope thru to make handles. Easy to move around and they stack nicely.
I like to use the plastic drawers that come out of a refrigerator freezer. They make good containers for sorting scrap and tearing down an item.
I've been thinking of getting a gay-lord for all my plastic, who knows where to buy them?
You can probably get a smaller one for free from a grocery store.
I get mine from my plastic buyer though, the full sized ones.
I get this plastic type bin from a flower shop that they ship roses in. They have two handles can stack inside each other like buckets and can hold 100lbs of transformers no problem, they are great! Also milk crates are good, laundry bins work well, and then just good old boxes I like to double them up. And then 2 liter bottle holders without the bottle inserts are great to stack full of UPS batteries.
every one was telling so I will show you how I do it I do the big break down out side with 55 gal drums and then the small stuff comes inside and this is how I deal with it all
I love cardboard barrels, like this:
But they can get HEAVY!
I use 30 gal plastic barrels, 55 gal steel drum, two holes torch in either side use a chain and cherry picker to lift, 200 gal round tote and a 250 gal tote, the kind with a plastic tank and outer steel cage. Almost forgot, of course the almighty 5 gal bucket. Need to get a couple more of those 250 totes and maybe do away with the need for many smaller containers, and plus they stack well.
I use a variety if you do e-scrap those plastic stacking drawer things are great. also appliance and lawnmower boxes are nice .they tend to be very heavy duty
I work part time at an auto parts store. You would not believe the nice boxes and packing materials that get thrown out. Or at least they used to until I started scrapping/eBaying. :) I have enough "bags of air," or as I like to call them, "little Nancy Pelosis" and peanuts to last a yr or more. Motor oil boxes make good containers for heat sinks and other small items. A 6pack Pennzoil box will hold 30lbs of small transformers and motors.