top 4 tools for me r ....
1.drill ------- do i even need to explain
2.torque bar ----- sometimes i need to pop the torque then use the drill
3.wire cutters ---- adds a few more dollars to the tab
4.sludge hammer ---- make the difficult real easy ...
top 4 tools for me r ....
1.drill ------- do i even need to explain
2.torque bar ----- sometimes i need to pop the torque then use the drill
3.wire cutters ---- adds a few more dollars to the tab
4.sludge hammer ---- make the difficult real easy ...
Here are my top 6:
#1: Car/trailer/bike. You have to transport scrap somehow.
#2: Drill for obvious reasons
#3: Hammer (Both Sledge and rip-claw)
#4: Angle Grinder
#5: Work boots for flattening and crushing things
#6: Sawzall
Am I missing something? What are you guys braking down that you need a drill? I use these the most,cordless screw driver,4 1/2" angle grinder with metal cut off blade, wire cutters,somethimes a small hammer. The things I never or rarly use,sledge hammer, drill, sawzall.
Wire cutters, drill, arms, legs, brain. Not necessarily in that order.
What tools...oh lets see..
In no particular order..
2. Drill as a screwdriver..ha!
3. Claw Hammer for when things don't want to cooperate.
4. Sledge for when things really don't want to cooperate. lol.
5. Chisel..I like removing IC's when I'm bored.
6. Band aids...cause I like to use a chisel to remove IC's when bored...
7. Wire Cutter..
8. Box cutter or razor blade..for stripping wire that is worthy.
9. The Purple People mini-van..
My traveling cooler, for healing all aches and pains.
Sirscrapalot - Have tools, might travel. Have cooler WILL travel.
Cordless screwdriver, no doubt about it. Without it, breaking down scrap would be horribly inefficient.
Wire cutters.
Cement floor. (Fastest printer disassembling tool ever.)
Angle grinder and a stack of metal-cutting wheels.
Bandaids, gloves, and glasses.
Hammer and punch.
Stereo and cold beverages.
all of the above! And... whenever possible...teenagers! BUTT...they are like HF tools. CHEAP, and don't last long, but good for specific jobs :cool:
I knew I forgot something!
Cement floor method here also for printers and fax machines..
And a I left this off I'll never know, since I make up half the music thread..
Sirscrapalot - tossing a cold beverage to Wolfwerx for the reminder.
Haha, when I first started scrappin' I had a printer that I couldn't figure out how to take apart. No visible screw heads. I slammed it to the floor and BINGO, learned the best method for taking those suckers apart.
Also, my Friday night "stress relief" is taking apart the clumsy stuff like vacuums and printers and microwaves while blaring my radio and having some drinks. It's the fun night, prepping to haul in the week's stuff to the yard on Saturday morning.
Wow, Surprised that nobody mentioned a hatchet.
No order my top ten
1 Magnet, have to tell if that siding is tin or aluminum
Grinder, tell al from ss
Torch, fire good houses burning bad
Bolt cutters
9000 # winch, mount on front of car trailer and loads any dead car and other heavy objects
1/4 impact driver, great for al storm windows
Spud bar, also known as railroad bar a 5 foot solid steel shaft with pointed end. Great for leverage or relieving stress.
Pickup gotta haul it
Good luck, often searched for seldom found. And never enough of it for everyone
Another we all forgot..a An tater with the save with the Magnet.
Sirscrapalot - Is having a very long day...going on hour 32..zzzzzz
Scrapolot - my new hero
Utililty Knife
Pickup Truck
I just bought an angle grinder yesterday so i'm sure that'll come into play often. Still need the sledge hammer and sawzall. A heavy duty scale is on the list as well. I always feel like the yard scale is a little bit light but I have no proof...
traveling cooler
nice to see all this male bondin goin on. #dont'ttouchmyjunk has a whole new meaning here on SMF
wire cutters and sludge hammer are common in daily life.
My bungee cords and locking strap are a big one.
Definitely grinder with a ton of metal cutting wheels.
Stereo is huge.
Shop lights for nightime scrapping.
Hatchet for breaking anything that gives me a hard time.
band saw is one of my new favorites. electric motors and aluminum chairs
Colorful Vocabulary helps loosen things up.
1 drill
2 sawsall
3 hammer
4 six pack
usually in that order but sometimes I get confused....:)
I use a homemade forklift
wire cutters
band saw
Hammers 10lbs down to 1lbs
Sockets etc
MY best tool is my cutoff saw
Well first I need to get my mind right - no explanation it's just me!
1. Music - any better than none (prefer classic rock) R&B, oldies, country, jazz all good.
2. Magnets don't know how to do this work without them.
3. Pickup & Trailer, Van and sometimes the stealth "bike" (can see & hear more from bike).
4. Boots, Gloves (I wear both surgical & outer leather) and safety glasses - we make nothing if we get hurt!
5. Roll Away Tool Box full of hand tools, you need the right tool for the right job (I call myself a tool *hore).
6. Work benches (one with a large vise) I use one for break down/dismantling only.
7. Cordless screw driver and drill (used every day).
8. Angle grinders 2 ea. one with cut-off wheel & other with grinding wheel. If you don't have, you need to get! U make more $$$.
9. Air compressor with as many air tools you can obtain. I use air chisel & ratchets in the break down of scrap a lot!
10. Wire stripper - My most recent tool - bought on ebay - will let you know what I think after I get more done with it!
I have been acquiring tools since I was 14, 40 plus years later I still buy a new tool almost every month. I have always made my living with my tools, so I make tools a priority. Most important the right tool makes a hard job just a little more easier and for sure more safe (that is best reason). THE BEST TOOL - Education!