So AZ prices
#2 plastic clear (milk / water gal) .10 lb
#2 plastic color .02 lb
#1 plastic bottles .30 lb
Glass bottles / jars .03 lb
Cardboard .02 lb
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So AZ prices
#2 plastic clear (milk / water gal) .10 lb
#2 plastic color .02 lb
#1 plastic bottles .30 lb
Glass bottles / jars .03 lb
Cardboard .02 lb
pecans- .63 lb
.63 for pecans! Time for Pecan Pie!
Funny thing during this last bulky / trash neighborhood pick up, all metal was gone but there was a guy with his wife filling up his truck with tree trunks and logs, 1st time I ever saw this...
Acorns $.50 a lb
crab apples .50 a lb
firewood $ 300 a cord dry split delivered
$ 250 a cord green split delivered
posted right after you people make some cool stuff out of tree stumps
I see folks grab the logs all the time. Maybe he lives up on the mountain Hobo! ;)
Gets cold up there even if it is Tucson!
Sirscrapalot - Doesn't like pecans, an misses camping out up in Oracle an up on Mt. Lemmon. that for small.amounts or quantity? Once toy start dping that stuff it is almost always better to do the ultra large bales....just is that chicken and the egg thing...need the space and have to rent the right baler...then have enough you can do in a reasonable amount of time to fill a tractor trailer load...I know...I am looking into it here as no one around here ecen buys any of that talking with one of the large recyclers on pricing for paper, plastics, and old clothes (for industrial rags)
Also I am riding the coat tails of our City wide Blue Barrel Recycling program that I pay $16.95 a month for with my garbage / recycling and twice a month bulky waste pick up. If the city can get rid of this stuff then why wouldn't I help a business try and do the same thing without the subsidy!
Your prices are right on if i sell to a local homeowner but...
I sell to a high end market of condo owners and mansion owners at ski resorts I can't get it up there fast enough lol. The crazy part is Mick that most of them will buy debarked firewood for there mansions at $450+ a cord just so they don't have the "mess". definitely worth hauling/cutting a log load or two it's not easy money but worth it selling to these folks.
I am in the door at two major sub divisions that have just been started and am hauling wood as fast as I can get it. My Father is set for a couple years and a couple of friends had free wood (paid with labor) this year. right now it's a free wood free-for all for the foreseeable future.
It is great that you found a paying outlet for these items hobo if i had the space and connections i would do the same.
I've heard of that. A few years ago when I was selling firewood, a guy told me he sold debarked firewood to condo owners in Boston. Just like you're saying,they were REAL picky but paid about twice what he got around here. Sticks had to be exactly uniform length. no crooks etc,etc.
How long do you season it and how do you debark it?
Bear, I don't know how everybody does it but I season wood (meaning cut to the length you're going to burn - usually 16", 18" or 24"; split and left to dry) for two "seasons" (usually summer and fall). Burning sooner is considered "green" (too high of moisture content for efficient burning). Each species dries at a different rate but, generally, two seasons is the average. I've got some oak and maple this year that I've been drying in a covered shed for two years. As for debarking - The "wood" and the "bark" dries at different rates due to physical makeup. As it dries, the bark falls off or is easily stripped off.
You guys are talking a full cord right? Most of what we sell around here is by the face cord.
There is no legal measurement of "face cord" "truck load" or anything other than "cord" which is 128 cu ft - typically 4'x4'x8' and tightly stacked. Face cord simply means 4'x8'x whatever depth the logger chooses. That's why it's not given any legal status.
Yep wood may be better than plastic, cardboard and glass recycling! Prices for a cord here $200 - $325!
Yes wood may be better now but plastic cardboard and glass sell well year round.
A lot of my non metal selling is based on seasons right now it's wood wood wood and getting it "free" is helping the cause greatly
acorns and apples do ok but it's all about the wood
More places buying glass and plastic by me.
Glass bottles and jars (4 places) .03 - .04 lb
#1 plastic bottles (5 places) .30 - .45 lb
#2 plastic clear (2 places) .08 - .10 lb
#2 plastic color .02 lb
Cardboard .02 lb
And these are the places that pay .80 - .95 lb for alum cans!
No luck yet for ABS plastic....
all this talk of wood. Does anybody deal in wood pellets?
maybe someone on here can help me . im not having any luck myself
i want to recycle glass bottle for cash, i live near cleveland in perry ohio
i just want to find a place that well pay me for glass bottles
does anyone know of a place close to me?
Well my cardboard place stopped buying it. There is another place but they only pay .01 a pound for it. The only reason I was saving it was the place that payed .02 a pound had a good price for alum cans and I was going there anyway. Guess it will get dropped off to the city program. I only had about 200 lbs so whats that $4. Less stuff for me to keep around here!
2 more new places buying #1 plastic and also pay $.95 for alum cans!
#1 plastic bottles down to $ .25 - $.35 a pound
Price update...
#2 clear / natural $.10 - $.15 lb
#2 color $.04 lb
#1 plastic beverage $.35 lb
#1 plastic other than beverage $.25 lb
Glass bottles $.04 lb
Glass jars and wine bottles $.03 lb
Cardboard $.01 lb
And wood! My friend had a big storm by him lots of Mesquite trees down, county jail workers were cutting and stacking it up by the road. He stops and asks if he can have it, yep. Two pickup loads no problem....
Wood is going to be on par with last year, I see no need for prices to go up.
added this year. campfire wood $3 for 6-8 pieces bundled w/ kindiling, guys closer to campgrounds and in town are charging 4-5 bucks....:-o that's gotta be close to $1,000 a cord$$$$$
Since it's legal out here, haven't been there they tell me it's nice
[2 gram bags of Schwaggy 4.5%THC "weed" going for $40.30 was the current rate]
Cannabis City - Industrial District - Seattle, WA | Yelp
Price update...
#2 clear / natural $.10 - $.15 lb
#2 color $.04 - $.08 lb
#1 plastic beverage $.35 - $.40 lb
#1 plastic other than beverage $.25 lb
Glass beer bottles $.04 lb
Glass jars and wine and liquor bottles $.03 lb
Cardboard $.01 lb
Newspaper / magazines and office paper $.02 lb
Price update...
#2 clear / natural $.10 lb
#2 color $.04 lb
#1 plastic beverage $.40 lb
#1 plastic other than beverage $.30 lb
Glass beer bottles $.04 lb
Glass jars and wine and liquor bottles $.03 lb
Cardboard $.01 lb
Newspaper / magazines and office paper $.02 lb
Aluminum cans $1.10 lb
So my buddy coming home from work, with an open container of beer spots some prisoner's cutting down Mesquite trees... he stops and gets a truck load of logs for free, the prisoner's even wanted to help him load it up. Guy in charge said I cant tell you its ok to take but take it all! LOL
Price update...
#2 plastic clear / natural $.10 lb
#2 plastic color $.04 lb
#1 plastic beverage $.45 lb
#1 plastic other than beverage $.25 lb
Glass beer bottles $.04 lb
Glass jars and wine and liquor bottles $.03 lb
Cardboard $.01 lb
Newspaper / magazines and office paper $.02 lb
Aluminum cans $.95 lb
Some plastic and glass worth more than shred steel...
hobo finds, PLEASE let me know who pay's $.95 lb for Al can's as I would like to ship them a 44000 lb load. The best price I get right now is $.52 lb.
Chaga Mushroom $20/lb :)
Hobo what state are you in?