I've seen some CRT processing videos on youtube. One of the significant concerns would be the phosphorus inside the tube ... if you opened it up in some way. Don't know as i would want to be working around that stuff everyday. It's quite toxic to humans. I've seen them vacuum it out but then that creates it's own set of problems. How do you dispose of the phosphorus the right way ? There's always some dust that blows through the vacuum and gets up into the air in the shop.
Honestly ... i think i would just ship the complete CRT's off to somebody that is set up to deal with them properly. Let them deal with the toxic nasties and legal liabilities that go with handling that stuff.
Just make sure that they are properly accredited so that it doesn't blow back on you later on ... if they do something irresponsible.
Another thing to consider is the federal EPA. The state epa's can be reasonable to deal with. The federal EPA not so much. Where the tubes are going interstate ... it's definitely a federal matter.
Here's a little insight into the rulemaking of the feds.
It seems we live in a complicated world. :(