I'll tell what pisses me off.
1: Lazy people
2: Crazy people
3: Flat tires
4:Aluminum wires
5: Broken compressors
6: Title possessors
7:Bad grades
8: Dull blades
9:Lack of money
10: That fake ass Easter Bunny!
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I'll tell what pisses me off.
1: Lazy people
2: Crazy people
3: Flat tires
4:Aluminum wires
5: Broken compressors
6: Title possessors
7:Bad grades
8: Dull blades
9:Lack of money
10: That fake ass Easter Bunny!
3.Politicians No wait I covered that in 1 and 2.
Cleaning dirty aluminum, getting tires off rims, I really hate how negative everyone is and how they always try to shut down those who do something different(people in the real world not on here), and not being able to find a good girl.
Maybe Hoss will share his, if you bring "her" back in one piece.Quote:
and not being able to find a good girl.
I also hate alum wire. What a buzz kill. And garbage days pushed back because of holidays.
Aluminum coils
A sharp stick poked in the eye.
I hate the scrapper in front of me
I hate no bathroom when I have to pee
I hate my sore shoulder
I hate not being able to hold her
I hate when my girlfriend won't awake
When it's love I wanna make
I hate getting up early
You feel the same, surely
But the thing I hate the most is when I need to ****
And I forget to take off my suspenders
It's like a poop slingshot that goes up my back
And then covers my head.
People who think there better then u because your as scrapper .but they dont do anything . Lazy kids. Dealing with plastic . Aluminum wire I can go on all day
I hate high gas prices
I hate how scrap prices go down in the winter
I hate when computers aren't complete
I'm not PREJUDICE....I hate everybody and everything equally! lol
My list for today.
People who advertise garage sales and don't have a garage sale when I spent my gas money to get there.
People who are a holes pushing and shoving and don't give any regard whatsoever to others. (garage sale goers and wal-mart shoppers)
The same goes for people on the road that ask the same way.
When I set in the car to wait while my wife goes in and gets milk and I have to wait 42 minutes for her.
It seems to me that there is a general problem with all of this going on and it seems to get worse as the years go by.
/rant off
People who ask directions; then say "Oh, it can't be that way".
1. Other drivers
2. Bad friends
3. When a cow dies(from my herd)
4. When my sandwiches get wet.'
5. When I miss every single Charlie Brown special on tv EVERY year!
6. MTV
7. Pop country
8. When other people don't think The Young Dr. Frankenstein is hilarious.
9. Getting sick.
10. Teenagers.
1. Vultures that come out of the woodwork when scrap prices get high.
2. High gas prices.
3. Having to pay to park.
4. Newbies thinking they know everything.
5. People expecting scrap yard prices for their scrap when I have to pick it up.
6. Running out of cutting gas in the middle of a job.
7. Lack of family supporting jobs in the USA.
8. Busting the tail light off my trailer every other trip.
9. Only getting 12 miles to the gallon.
10. Braking my last reciprocating saw blade in the middle of my last cut.
Warm beer!
1. Seeing stuff i cant fit in my car every day
2. Nails and other crap in my tires every week
3. no lighter
4. random days the local yard closes
5. dumb asses that bring in e scrap as steel and walk away smiling
6. Another drivers turning blinker on and pulls in the opposite direction.
7. When the trash trucks magically decide they A) want to go fast today or B) Reverse the route all together.
8. All of you that put the tv cases back on and place nicely on the curb. (i have learned lol)
9. Lack of Power tools
10. Lack of a truck
1. People who don't know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek
2. People who abuse animals
3. Companies that continue to show Christmas commercials after the holiday (just saw one today)
4. Parents who allow their children to run wild and then laugh it off when they break something
5. Anyone who makes fun of the disadvantaged of our world
6. Being out of Reese Peanut Butter Cups
7. Low quality toilet paper
Try mounting them on the fenders, not on the a$$ end. Or put a steel guard around them, might try using the 2"x 6" taillights also. They are slim and are harder to snag.Quote:
8. Busting the tail light off my trailer every other trip.
I hate the crapshoot that is my life now but I can't change that.
Not knowing if it's better to watch the whole game or just the last 5 minutes.
1. The scrappers that start early in the afternoon and get ahead of me x.x
2. The scrapper in the red dodge truck who steals ac units and mowers from peoples yards and sheds.. ((guess who else drives a red dodge truck -_- ME))
3. Being lost in the suburbs and no one will give you directions because your scrapping.
4.Being on a really good haul and running out of gas or newports.
5.Emo kids and people who have destroyed rock and metal and replaced it with pop.
6.Getting McDonalds at midnight and getting a burger that has been under the lamp several hours.
7. flat tires
8. dead batteries
9. Cold weather....HELL NO
10. Scrap yards that make me break apart my vacuums and woln't take them as shred.
People who flag my CL ad
Other scrappers that come in to my town becouse their town doesnt have enough scrap to support them.
The scrapper who let the washer fall off his over stacked truck into the middle of traffic and left it there for everyone to drive around. People like that are going to force more regulations on the rest of us.
a couple of times when asking directions, I have actually had people look arround scratch their heads then tell me, uh ya can't get there from here. :)
Whenever I take a car to the scrap yard and look at my receipt and realize that they either forgot to pay me or i got cheated out of the catalytic converter or something.(this happens often but now ive learned to check before i exit the door)
1. Wind
2. Mud
3. Wave cloud that forms over the Front Range...stays all day makes 50 degrees feel like 38.
4. Sideways pictures on Craigslist.
5. People on Craigslist that claim it's easy to get a vehicle title that has been lost to a car or cycle they're selling but don't own.
6. When my computer sounds like it's computing the Theory of Relativity and I'm just reading something.
7. Customers think they are an expert because they watch HGTV.
8. People know they should merge into the thru traffic lane but stay in the blocked one till they get all the way to the blockage.
9. Long lines at the Post Office and the customer that insists on making small talk with the clerk while the other dozen of us look on.
10. Gals that dressed to get noticed and then wonder what your looking at.
Amen to # 10 KZBELL and thanks for the rant.
1. Breaking guitar strings
2. people who pick on disabled people
3. Mothers who wont let their children do the things they love to do
4. crappy birthday presents (unless their good)
Well lets see.........
Plucking the Eyebrows.
Rude people.
Knowing I get locked out of the house, but thefts can pick up one rock and they are in.
Forgetting passwords, when yesterday I had them down packed.
People that don't know what turn singles are for.
Monsanto, Pharmaceuticals, and Too big to fails.
Media Talking Heads.
TMZ, People Mag., Inside edition, stupid reality shows.
I can't buy real milk.
The fact that the combustion engine has be around for how many years and we can't get better gas milage with it.....There is no Santa clause........Computers that seem to do their own thing, when you are typing......Printers that won't print.....................You just had to get me going:)
Come on MDG tell us what you really feel:D
I hate:
1. cell phones that won't ring to tell me someone is calling, but will beep to say I missed a call.
2. procrastinating, bites me in the butt every time.
3. Gas prices
4. People who can't do simple math.
5. My brother's exwife.
6. Not knowing enough about things to know what is a great deal and what is not.
7. People who say if you don't like violent video games don't let your kid watch them. It is not my kid I am worried about it is yours!
8. Did I mention gas prices?
9. Not having a truck
10. people who use the phrase "Ugly American". The Ugly American was a book by William Lederer in 1958 where the character was physically ugly, but uses his engineering skills to help the poor in southeast asia.
days like today, beautiful and warm out side but your too sick or weak to work :(