Not really looking for criticism here. Just showing one of my latest projects.
I am just a part timer and consider myself more of just a "hobbyist". I am not looking for huge projects or to move a lot of product. I basically work out of my car a few hours a week. The extra (albeit small) cash helps and I enjoy a good mind numbing project ;)
That being said I wanted to have my contact info at the ready to give to the folks that would have either given me or could give me some semi steady business. I am not a fan of business cards and the numerous ones that have passed through my hands usually end up on the garbage or lost on my desk (which is about as good as the garbage).
I wanted something unique (perhaps memorable), functional, and would have better odds at a longer life getting stuck to a fridge or filing cabinet then put into the garbage.
I took several of the magnets I get out of hardives and made me a small batch of these.
They were actually a pain in the butt to put together.