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  1. #1
    admin started this thread.
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    Scrap Breakdowns - The composition and potential of everyday scrap.

    This section of the forum is for sharing scrap breakdowns.

    Whether you're a new scrapper breaking down scrap out of curiosity or a veteran recycler who breaks down scrap to maximize profitability, this section of the forum for you.

    This section is not for "Question" threads, it is only for sharing actual break downs. For example, creating a thread asking "How do you break down a CRT?" would not be accepted. Whereas a thread sharing something like, "Here's how to break down a CRT", would be accepted.

    If you have a general question about a breakdown or dismantling or profitability, please post it in the section. If you have an actual breakdown that you want to share, post it here.

    If you're submitting a thread for the SMF Scrap Breakdown Contest - Please visit the thread at this link, before you submit.

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