Hello, In this thread I will be showing you how to breakdown an
a/c and share different tactics that work, and some things not to do.
This a/c unite was pre-drained of fluids and you must drain yours before scrapping it!
Due to the fact you can only post 10 pictures per post I will have many posts for this. This is a contest entry so please direct all likes from the below post to this main one if you found it interesting or it helped you in any way! Thanks for reading.
Safety Equiptment:
So the first thing I did was tarp the ground to avoid getting any oil from compressor dripping onto concrete. I taped the tarp at edges to make it stay down. Than I set the a/c unit on-top.
Another Picture from a different angle:
So now I flipped the a/c over and unscrewed the capacitor storage box that the control pad and main power was hooked to, and was able to pull that out. (We will dis-assemble this more later)
So here is a view of the side of the a/c where you can see the 2 dirty copper fins and the compressor.
Than you are going to want to remove all the foam insulation and plastics from the a/c unit so you can access the other stuff, the foam will pull right out but you either have to break the plastic out or find the screws and unscrew it. Here is a picture of it all removed, revealing all of the scrap we will be removing.
Now that we can see where everything is you will need too cut the copper elbows on the ends of the fins as shown. There is 2 ways to do this you can either cut a long the outside as shown or on the inside to pull the metal off aswell, this makes you able to sell it for a lot more as clean fin and not dirty fin. This is the way of cutting it off the outside, than pulling metal off seperate. Both ways will be shown in full so read more to see!
Also cut the rest of the lines leading to compressor, and leading anywhere else and pull the copper.
This is what it should look like after you cut it.
Continues in post below, direct likes to this thread please. Thank you