JPete: that is a good point about trespassing. I usually always have some proof that I have contact with the owner weather a phone number in my phone and address in my navigation. If I were confronted I would just tell the neighbor or officer the name of the owner and their phone number and call them right there if I had to. But, I get that feeling sometime when the owner isnt there and I have been confronted a few times but, always easily resolved.
Mick: I havent done curb alerts for awhile either, I guess what I was trying to say is that the business relationship is different when the client calls you and meets you over the phone opposed to posting a curb alert ad and random people coming to your door. I can expect the stand offish behavior from a curb alert ad but, not from client phone call. I dont believe it is a social gathering either and I dont expect to chat for awhile about baseball or anything. I like to talk about stuff that has to do with the pick up. For example, asking if the items are working or non working, if there is a tv asking if there is a remote that comes with it, giving a
business cards, etc. This save me lots of time diagnosing and knowing what to do with the items: sell, reuse, fix or recycle. It can even be over the phone real quick for a minute or two after I see everything they got. Also, like mentioned above it can look suspicious if you are taking stuff off of someone's property without the owner being there, although it usually isnt a problem for me.
As for the fridge. You are right I can turn it down if it is too nasty and this one was NASTY! I like to accommodate the customer and take care of them but, ya this fridge was probably crossing the line. I guess I could of charge a little bit even. But, it was a full load of stuff that I got from that customer so I am grateful for that.
JG: Sorry to hear about your luck with pricing. Keep your boundaries on what you think is fair. That is definitely a violation of common courtesy.