I was wandering around the forum, wondering what interesting things I'd find. I loved this one ...
I was out last night; I hit gas stations certain nights (and some liquor stores, etc) to gather cans. 4:30 in the morning and I heard a voice ... a man giving me a dollar (actually, digging through trash/dumpsters I sometimes find cash thrown away ... $25 the most at one time - go figure). Pretty soon, he's telling me how I can "earn a twenty" (no thanks). Had another guy do something similar another time; think he was going to jump me ... actually, pretty sure, based on all the circumstances. Then there was the guy who gave me a bag of cans from his truck and wanted a hug before he left. I declined

but I did keep the bag of cans! I guess if I was going to lose it, it'd be with these weirdos. I'd love to give them a piece of my mind and maybe a fist but figure the better thing is to encourage them to GO AWAY as fast as they can.
which is one reason I would never "flash cash". I don't deal with "customers" (going to people's houses/businesses to pick things up); I'm still learning and mostly know where I can find things I can deal with ... so I never "dress", either. I don't look "bummy" (at least at first) but I know I'm going to possibly be gross and stinky before I'm done, so I wear stuff I don't mind throwing away if necessary ...
what I found interesting is that, picking two aluminum cans out of the trash at a closed store resulted in five police cars (including a K-9) in about 30 seconds, when I first moved here. I've gotten two lectures from the police ... one about the fine (about $100) I'll receive if I rummage through the recycling containers people set out at the curb ... the other that I should not "go into people's yards". I love that sort of thing ... makes me want to inform the police that I wasn't born in a barn and was raised much better than that. Actually, I often pick up litter when I get cans ... anyway, always leave the place as good or better than I found it. I don't talk back to the police; they pretty much leave me alone now that they know who I am and are used to seeing me out in the middle of some nights.
Anyway, I guess people are going to think what they will ... and what they say and do is more about them ... than me or any of you. Fortunately, it seems there are many more kind people who've loaded me down with stuff. I had some guys in a church van stop and give me a lunch and coffee one day while I was walking a road.
I probably work harder than I need to (being ignorant and inexperienced) but I'm guessing anyone who mistakes a "recycler" for a bum ... needs to go on a ride along ... and then spend some time working material. Anyway, I did get a kick out of the original post and earlier replies and couldn't resist adding a few things I've experienced while I'm out and about.