'Bummer'....... And 'Bummed'.....
'Bumed' is > https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bure...ne_and_Surgery.![]()
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'Bummer'....... And 'Bummed'.....
'Bumed' is > https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bure...ne_and_Surgery.![]()
I sliced a little section out of some one else's comment. " Ethics are doing the same thing with witnesses as without witnesses" I know in my heart I have failed at this. I strive to be a better and find myself to be far too human. "To error is human, to forgive divine" I'm not as "divine" as I would wish. I continue to try most everyday.
In the original post what I took from it was a recognition that he could have reacted better and he was sharing what he learned from the experience. Thank you.
On the surface this subject seems to be heady material for scrapers but in fact ETHICS study/reflection should be more wide spread. 73, Mike
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
So yesterday, I'm doing a favor for a friend who owns a local service station. He had food racks rusting away behind his business left behind by vendors who replaced, then dumped them. As I am loading up, a guys rolls by and yells that what I am doing disgusts him because I am a thief. Meanwhile, my friend has overheard the guy who has now pulled up to a pump for gas. My friend says, "Move on! I don't need your business here."
Needless to say, I was pleased. He has a friend for life!
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For someone who learned his lesson for going off on a homeowner or whatever...how quickly the lesson was forgotten one someone on a forum asked a simple question on the proper spelling of the word bum. Not that the OP will ever see this as he never came back after 6 months, but...go re-learn you lesson.
For the newer folks... If you don't want people to comment on your post(s), then you should either A. Not post on a public forum. B. Seek help in a private message.
IF that was enough to get his panties in twist, I'm not surprised he's not been back. If you can lose your temper over something silly like the post by Mike, you should likely just go find someway to deal with your rage. A hug, multiple hugs, therapy, etc. There is help out there!
Sirscrapalot - You so crazy! - Most people who meet me.
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funny this was brought back up...........I was corrected on my use of wander/wonder and actually learned from it......LOL
CHECK OUT MY BUYERS THREAD http://www.scrapmetalforum.com/scrap...nic-scrap.html
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Bumb: A homeless person. Not necessarily lazy but is usually considered to be because of their social rank.
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You know your quoting Urban Dictionary right?
Same people who came up with Trap House.
The following below is from Google
What is the definition of a Bumb?
Definition of BUM. 1 a : one who sponges off others and avoids work. b : one who performs a function poorly <called the umpire a bum> c : one whose time is devoted to a recreational activity <a beach bum> <ski bums>
Dictionary.com - If I type bumb in their search box...it doesn't come up. Well Bum does, bums does, bomb does...but no Bumb.
I'll take Dictionary.Com over Urban Dictionary. Heh. Freedictionary.com results for Bumb = Acronym for Bar Underground Music Bunker.
An for ****s and giggles...if your going to quote Urban dictionary..make sure you get all the results...
Results from UD for Bumb -
A homeless person. Not necessarily lazy but is usually considered to be because of their social rank. Also inlcuding people that beg for change and people sleeping on the streets.
That guy that is always sleeping under that tree with worn clothes and has no home to go to is a bumb.
2nd one - Bumb
(verb) to turn a lesbian straight.
Girl 1: 'Do you want to go to that new gayclub?' Girl 2:"No, david totally bumbed me last night"
3rd - bumb
Slang word for being both a "bum" and a "*****" or a "bum *****".
Funny how some of you "bumbs" that cry constantly about refs and every other injustice that you see, come at the Difference when I voice my opinion, when all in your world is fine or you get a win or two.
4th - bumb
Combination of the words bum and numb. Bum that has become numb from excessive sitting. Like sitting in front of a laptop in hong kong airport for six hours.
Man I have such a bumb!!
An it goes on to repeat the first one a couple more times.
An according to wordnik = An obsolete form of boom.
So...which is correct? An no..I really don't want an answer. lol.
An for the record I don't really care. lol. If I can understand your meaning, I won't call you out on it. I make typos, etc etc. Call me out all day if you like, you won't get much else done tho.Fun link tho~! Even scrabble doesn't recognize it! BUMB Definition, Anagrams, and related Scrabble word finder for BUMB
Thanks for necroing this thread whoever it was...I was getting bored waiting on this storm.
An the perfect quote for this thread would be...
Sirscrapalot - When someone corrects my spelling, I just pat them on the shoulder an say "Their, there, they're it'll be ok."
An for anyone coming along to correct my post...
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I think we just have a bunch of bored scrappers........I hope I didn't make any grammatical errors here......Thank the lord for spellcheck
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I am bored. Blame Matthew.
The storm not the poster.Poor guy doesn't need people shooting him hate mail.
Anyone play internet cards.... /boredom
I'm bored, don't be offended folks. If I left out any smiley faces in my prior post I'm sorry. I meant it in good humor.
Sirscrapalot - If I had to pay to use spellcheck I'd never have money.
I lIke fact that it was a " new guy " that revitalized this old thread. Shows that he's searching the archives. Makes me feel useful cause I like to preach the benefits of doing so. Like so many others here on SMF.
Kudos new guy! Keep digging, there's a mountain of valuable information here.
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just remember that what you have and will learn from being a (bum) scrapper makes you an important person when the country goes off the cliff. I have leaned more in the scrapping business about how to do what is necessary then the car business, the publishing business, or the kiln design business combined.
Last edited by EcoSafe; 10-15-2016 at 11:57 AM.
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
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I have two. Or rather I wear a hearing aid on my right ear and had a cochlear implant in my left. I like it when people correct me over a mispronounced word because it saves me further embarrassment in the future. So sometimes I tend to forget that there are actually people out there that don't like being corrected. C'est la vie.
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Its funny that he got mad being called a bum. I get all sorts of mixed reactions when Im out. Most of them are positve, or just curious people who get interest in what im doing. But the negative reactions i get are just sorta funny to me. At the same time it pisses me off how ignorant people can be. I once got a 20 minute lecture from a Cpt. In uniform and on a seperate occasion the ft. Hood gate gaurd NCOIC about how I could get arrested for having empty beer bottles in the BED of my truck, because apparently a piece of glass that says budwiser on it is in their minds driving with an open container. I explained that Ft. Hood has 3 locations to dispose of glass and that I'm just trying to dispose of them properly. Both times I got screamed at and threatened to have the MP's called on me. I politely said i really dont care if they give me a breathilizer, since I hadn't drank in 2 weeks. That set them off for some reason but both times i was allowed to leave laughing my ass off. After the second time I just stuck two bottles upside down in my headache rack for all the army bullies to get worked up over. Drove around like that for about a year and a half. Id put a picture in if i could figure out how
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Technically, couldn't a bottle cap be considered an alcoholic container? It takes both sides to contain the alcohol.... This situational perspective has always fascinated me... Since a sealed beer bottle and the universe both theoretically contains an infinite space, which side of the glass is "inside" and which is "outside"? Does the cage at the zoo keep the lion from getting out to you, or does the cage keep the you from getting out to the lion?
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