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successful beginning

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  1. #1
    CraigRets started this thread.
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    Smile successful beginning

    Hey all, just started scrapping and took our first load to the scrap yard. (weoooo! exciting!) We knew it wasnt going to be much but wanted to see how much we would get to see if it was worth it. We had 12 pounds of copper which was 2.80 a pound 28 pounds of copper motors at .15 a pound and 89 pounds of shreddable steel which totaled $4.20. Overall we made 40$ and our truck was barley filled. Made a few phone calls and might be collecting pop cans from a local restaurant and also contacted a local auto shop who said we were welcome to take whatever scrap metal he has laying around for free. He said he often has transmissions and motors lying around! looks like we hit the jackpot.

    Happy picking!

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Welcome and take some time to pick up more tips on where and what to scrap for the best money.
    Start handing out "business" cards to everyone and anyone you meet or see and eventually the scrap will start rolling.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  5. #3
    armstrt8's Avatar
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    Congrats and welcome! Sounds like you have a bit of ambition behind ya if your out making calls already
    I say keep on making those calls. I have only been doing this a few months, but one of the things I have found out it there is no shortage of people who say "Oh you scrap? I got XYZ parts and ABC pile of stuff you can have", but you then never again hear from them again!! Realizing the value in those genuine contacts. So far im about 5 outta 20 for people that have actually come through after making one of those statements haha
    Best of luck!

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  7. #4
    newattitude's Avatar
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    WTG Craig! Its a good way to learn how the yard(s) work and get an idea if they are nice and you want to deal with them on a regular basis. Keep up the good work!

    For me no load is too small, I think the smallest ticket I ever had was eleven bucks. But I look at it this way, I am out moving around and if I have to pass the yard anyways, may as well make some money while doing it!!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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