I wouldn't pay a percentage of what you get for the scrap.
If you do, they know how much money you get. That's a bad thing because then they can't see why they can't have ALL that money.
What they don't see is how much time you put into it. They think its just a matter of taking the scrap to the dealers and the hard part is spending all that money..
I do it on a 'split' and empasize that its 'my time that makes me the money, not the
scrap metal itself'.
I put the ferrous aside and work up the nonferrous and sell that and that's my money. When I take the ferrous in, I just put it under their name and they can pick up their ca$h, or sort it into pellets and he can organise to get it picked up from my place.
That way his money isn't 'under my name' at the scrapyard.
Also, if he asks them at the yard, they can say that I have not sold any ferrous to them, but not the $ amount of my nonferrous.
So he knows I'm honest.
I am doing the same with another guy too. I am scrapping his pile of computers, printers, scanners, electrical equipment and stacking up all the ferrous for him. I get the rest, and some CRT TV's (just the ones with the thick degaussing cables...) and I have to get rid of the plastic.
In turn, he gets his yard space back and some free $$. Without shifting any CRTs......