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Where do YOU draw the line?

| Scrap Business Ethics
  1. #1
    IamTheGreatest started this thread.
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    Where do YOU draw the line?

    So, there were some comments made, that I'm glad I caught. Pertaining to what the person does for "other" business.

    Now, I will probably never do business with that person....... partially because of that, and also because he has nothing to offer me...

    Now, the question is.... what does it take for YOU to not do business with someone? There are a half dozen people out here I won't do business with, and they are closer and better prices than what I get now. Various reasons, from attitude to past criminal history. I don't ask for much, but I like to do things certain ways. There are a lot of things I don't condone out here, but if I can choose where my money ends up.... I'll do that. I still believe in voting with my wallet.

    What say you????

  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    not sure why comments were deleted..........You put yourself out on the net be prepared to deal with the backlash......My story is documented here on the forum and I think everyone deserves a chance and I will do business with whom I feel comfortable will pay me not to much based on any other criteria other than reliability

  3. #3
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    not sure why comments were deleted..........You put yourself out on the net be prepared to deal with the backlash......My story is documented here on the forum and I think everyone deserves a chance and I will do business with whom I feel comfortable will pay me not to much based on any other criteria other than reliability
    Mike, your story, and I have read it, was documented here because YOU chose to share it with everyone. I'm sure there's a lot of people here on the forum that don't want their past plastered on a post for all to see.
    Mike, I'm like you. I believe people deserve a second chance. Some deserve/need a 3rd and 4th.
    Last edited by jimicrk; 01-10-2017 at 02:08 PM.

  4. #4
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    So, there were some comments made, that I'm glad I caught. Pertaining to what the person does for "other" business.

    Now, I will probably never do business with that person....... partially because of that, and also because he has nothing to offer me...

    Now, the question is.... what does it take for YOU to not do business with someone? There are a half dozen people out here I won't do business with, and they are closer and better prices than what I get now. Various reasons, from attitude to past criminal history. I don't ask for much, but I like to do things certain ways. There are a lot of things I don't condone out here, but if I can choose where my money ends up.... I'll do that. I still believe in voting with my wallet.

    What say you????
    I honestly don't think any business decisions should be made based on what happened the other day.

  5. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    Mike, you're story, and I have read it, was documented here because YOU chose to share it with everyone. I'm sure there's a lot of people here on the forum that don't want their past plastered on a post for all to see.
    Mike, I'm like you. I believe people deserve a second chance. Some deserve/need a 3rd and 4th.
    That is the chance u take when using an open public forum....i am not the one who ran the background check and possibly the info found was for a legitimate business but some of the verbage seemed strange to me

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  7. #6
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    That is the chance u take when using an open public forum....i am not the one who ran the background check and possibly the info found was for a legitimate business but some of the verbage seemed strange to me
    Mike I totally agree about public forums. Some forums can be brutal and anything goes. I guess I expect a little or a lot more from the members here at the SMF. Most members are very helpful and polite. I have never seen another forum quite like this one, which is why I was so disappointed when I saw the post the other day. I guess the Admin here felt the same way when they saw it.
    As far as your last, you were not the one that posted a background check on a member and yes the verbage was strange but it should have never happened.

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  9. #7
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    "Criminal History" doesn't bother me - probably because I work around some ex-convicts from time-to-time.

    I do not do business with folks who have burned me in the past, individuals who are difficult to work with, or folks who act like d######ds .
    I also don't bother with businesses who do not return Emails, text messages, or phone calls.

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  11. #8
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    Mike I totally agree about public forums. Some forums can be brutal and anything goes. I guess I expect a little or a lot more from the members here at the SMF. Most members are very helpful and polite. I have never seen another forum quite like this one, which is why I was so disappointed when I saw the post the other day. I guess the Admin here felt the same way when they saw it.
    As far as your last, you were not the one that posted a background check on a member and yes the verbage was strange but it should have never happened.
    If my comments were inappropriate I apologize.......I only made a honest statement about his current website and commented on the strangeness of the report listed by another forum member.........I will now crawl back into my hole.........Hopefully the weather will turn a bit better soon and I can work on the mountain of electronics I have accumulated..........As far as a criminal record yes I have one and have been clean and sober going on 8 years now........I cannot say that I'm perfect but I am a much better person than I was back then and have at least become a "productive" member of society...........As far as purchasing items or selling I try to conduct my transactions with speed and dignity..........I don't purchase much here but I do sell quite a bit but most of the transactions are handled away from the forum anyways

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  13. #9
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    If my comments were inappropriate I apologize.......I only made a honest statement about his current website and commented on the strangeness of the report listed by another forum member.........I will now crawl back into my hole.........Hopefully the weather will turn a bit better soon and I can work on the mountain of electronics I have accumulated..........As far as a criminal record yes I have one and have been clean and sober going on 8 years now........I cannot say that I'm perfect but I am a much better person than I was back then and have at least become a "productive" member of society...........As far as purchasing items or selling I try to conduct my transactions with speed and dignity..........I don't purchase much here but I do sell quite a bit but most of the transactions are handled away from the forum anyways
    Mike, no need to apologize. You did not say or do anything wrong at all. I was referring to the other member that posted the background check.

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  15. #10
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    All good i also found it strange that someone was running background checks but with an open forum and the internet these are not hard things to do

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  17. #11
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Most of my business is done with individuals I meet face to face and can look them in the eye. For the most part I do not know there history and read their face to see if they are good for their word. Have I been burned, yes. Will I do business with them again, only if they correct their wrongs on the previous endeavor will I give them another chance. For reference, I loved college and if anyone used this history to judge my character, I would be homeless but still loving life.

    I have done background checks and one story stands out. The president of a large corporation offered me a deal that was beyond my expectation. I did the online research which was great, but still was not satisfied. I went to each of his businesses and introduced myself as a possible investor. I collected a lot of positive information, nothing negative. When I met him and his board in person, we negotiated a deal. I asked him when I could expect a contract and he held out his hand and said this is it. The look in his eye told me he was good for his word. In fact he provided many bonuses that were not negotiated. The rest of the story was when I was introduced to his construction manager, security chief, and maintenance manager and they said they already knew me. I asked how and they said the surveillance tapes which recorded all my moments in his businesses wearing the same cowboy hat I was wearing at this meeting. His employees were concerned someone was trying to dig up dirt on their beloved boss. He was evaluating me as I was evaluating him. As our relationship grew stronger we agreed social media does not define an individual, only the individual can define himself.

    To defend this point is a story from my younger days. I went to an interview with a large international corporation conducted by one of their top vice presidents. Wearing a three piece suit (first and only time in my life) I thought I aced the interview. I did not feel right because the interview did not represent who I was, only who I wanted to be. I went out to my truck in the parking lot and changed into my jeans and put on my cowboy hat and returned to his office. I did not know they had security cameras recording my undressing. In his office I explained that the person he interviewed was who I wanted to be, but this is who I am. He turned on the monitor and showed me the tape of me undressing in the parking lot. He told me he could have me arrested for indecent exposure, but any one with b***s like that deserved to be part of the corporation.

    "Do not judge a book by it's cover." I think I stole this from SirScrapalot.
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  19. #12
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Funny story

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  21. #13
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    We make it policy to treat everyone as we wish to be treated. I've got a story to this too. My daughter has aspergers, maybe saying that is putting it on the lighter side but she is functional and aware of her condition. Now she is a teenager and let me tell you something, people judge too quickly in all aspects. Teachers judge her for whats on paper in her file while students and other parents judge her for her behavior. What they don't see is that she sees a specialist who teaches her how to interact socially. She has difficulty with all the social things you and I take for granted, and because of that we never see the stress until it becomes a tick or an outburst. Do you think she gets a fair shake? I know she does not, and it's a shame.

    So what do I take from that? Pretty simple, if you want anyone to have success in life you cannot be an obstacle and if you have the ability to be an opportunity for them, do it. I think we tend to forget we cant really take our hoards to the grave and the final judgement is going to be all about the person we really were and the difference we made in other lives.

    edit: I wanted to add this before I go to bed. I missed whatever happened, was at CES trying to predict the future of our industry...anyways I want to say you guys are a great group, and to all the newest (and oldest) members you guys are the best!
    Last edited by armygreywolf; 01-11-2017 at 12:14 AM.
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  23. #14
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    I draw a circle
    and as long as you have cash or a few brews you can come on in

    only one guy is not allowed in, tried to throw us under the bus for a death and 1/2 million in damages.
    That's what it takes.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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    Unless your really weird, involved in illegal activities, such as selling drugs, or dishonest with me Or a thief I'm pretty good with most ppl.
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  27. #16
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    Hey MikeInReco, I remember your story and I respect the heck out of you for telling it. Also wanted to say keep being the example for people who want to follow in your footsteps to a better life.

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  29. #17
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armygreywolf View Post
    Hey MikeInReco, I remember your story and I respect the heck out of you for telling it. Also wanted to say keep being the example for people who want to follow in your footsteps to a better life.
    I appreciate it and if any one struggling with addiction issues needs to talk my door is always open..........My plan was to go into counseling but bills had to be paid and scrapping did the job.........I still may try to do some counseling in the future.........

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