For sure we are all trying to help the environment by what we do in regards to recycling. I just think "How desperate are you to have to rip and tear into garbage bags- HOPING to find something?"
As a recycler- and a pretty darn good one- it was a waste of his time. If there is $ to be made off something. Sledge has already made it.. and what is on my curb.. is literally.. trash!
He may make a few bucks off the resistors that he found in my trash, I doubt it highly- because I researched and checked
ebay listings, basically ran the gamut if they were worth anything. My personal stance- if you had a bag of 100 and just 1 was bad- on ebay- guess what- you are refunding the entire amount back to the buyer, you lose product, you lost shipping, you are actually "in the hole" now. Wasn't worth the risk for me.
Took the copper and tantalum and pitched the rest!