In particular, theft. Otherwise known as stealing.
I am sure that I do not have to mention that it is in fact illegal no matter what state you reside in as well as the religious laws that you may or may not follow. ( we are not going to discuss religion here.)
Being that it is illegal and just plain wrong on so many counts, I have to wonder why in this day and age with the internet, someone would feel the need to blab or brag about it on a forum. Once it is out there, it is out there. When I moderated for a very large BBQ forum, a member was going through a divorce. Well, some pages got printed out and used against him in court.
This being said, if you engage in thievery, please do yourself and the rest of us a large favor and do not brag about it here in our very nice forum. It can come back to bite you in the butt, and it makes us ALL look bad.
This is in no way pointing the finger at anyone, it is just something that I have been wanting to make a post about for some time. If anyone thinks this is about them, it seriously is not. I also am not touting myself as being perfect. I for one have done stupid stuff all the way from cradle to who knows when
One more thought as long as I am on my soapbox. I did a few days work once some time ago for a guy. He relayed a story of his tools being stolen. He went to Maxwell street(flea market type thing in Chicago) to get some replacements because he had to work that day. He ended up finding most of his tools that were stolen that had his SS# engraved in them and had to buy them back. The cops did not want to get involved. That story from him prompted me to adopt the mantra: "Never buy anything stolen. Otherrwise you will eventually be buying your own stuff". So, for the last 20 or better years, if there was any hint whatsoever that someone was trying to sell me something that "fell off a truck", I turned around and walked the other way. If enough people did that, the thieves would not steal.
Again, this forum is NOT the proper place to discuss stealing of anything or the peddling of anything stolen.
/steps off of soapbox.