I was fairly recently contacted by someone in the hopes that I might help them with a stick mess their elderly mother got herself into, buying "gold pin drops" off
This disgusts me, that there are people out there in the world, pretending to refine precious metals, ripping people off.
What I am specifically talking about are the ebay auctions that are selling globs of metal that really only amount to melted pins and contain less than 1% gold. Click the link below and scroll through. There are even some people laying a gold coin right beside their useless glob of metals.
gold pin drop | eBay
So this 92 year old woman had her grandson bidding on auctions for her, he's only 11 years old so he didn't have a clue that the globs are fake fake fake. She purchased a lot of these globs thinking that she was securing her grand children's future, she's ill and doesn't expect to make to to next xmas. So she spent far more than she normally would for xmas.
And I had to be the person to tell her, to listen to her sob on the phone as she told me this heartbreaking story. And honestly, I'm sickened. I have posted about this before on other forums, but I thought I would take the opportunity to post here, on this thread, for obvious reasons.
Sometimes, in pursuit of money, people commit acts of greed that harm others. I don't believe this is any way to build a business. Just because you are honest in your post, does not mean what you are doing is right. The posts for this type of thing are worded craftily, with the intent to mislead people so that they pay far more for the material that it's worth. Regardless if you think your post is honest, it's not. Regardless if you think it's a case of buyer beware, it's not, it really amounts to theft, in a different form. Skinning innocent people that don't know any better is not a good business model. Fleecing people period is not a good business model, and not sustainable in the long run.
So if there is anyone on this forum, who melts gold pins into globs of metal to see on ebay with the intent of deceiving, regardless of how "HONEST" you are being, so far as I am concerned you are a stealing and further more, so far as I am concerned, I will give you no quarter if you decide to post anything on metal globs and selling on ebay.
Truly, I cannot even describe how disgusted I am that there are people out there in the world, that feel doing these types of things is acceptable behavior and defensible.