Got some photos of these high value boards? We have yet to have come across an lcd board worth that much.
heres some eye candy (pictures) for you to look at of lcd boards and various trimmings i produce from them
lcd boards:
trimmings from lcd boards:
sorted trimmings from lcd boards:
trimmed gold mylar:
What do you do with the leftover board pieces?
Sell them as high grade boards at $4 pound, there is still alot of gold contacts and traces left on them. I only trim off the surface gold plating.
That's good thinking. I've been starting to think about how far I want to break things down, and this is definitely worth it on this material.
The boards are thin, time consuming to process and it takes alot of them to make 1 pound. That is why i can offer $10 pound for them. I process them in my free time.
added legos to the buy list
how much for legos i have over 10,000lbs............mainly high end sets deathstar millenium falcon etc......some of the sets are worth 500 or more
Lego Star Wars Death Star 11 10143 | eBay
This is one for example All these are fully assembled by my son......I'll have to get some pics
I am not sure really, i love the starwars sets though. I am thinking about offering $2 pound for mixed legos.
I will have to get a pic.......My son who is 15 now has kinda outgrown them but a whole room in my dads house is nothing but assembled lego sets..........My parents are asking him what he is going to do.......The complete sets probably go on ebay but if there are any mixed or assorted pieces I'll let you know
Sim cards needed $40 per pound, highest price you will find
Are you buying all gold connectors i.e ide, telephone,ends from computer cables etc? Could you also post a picture of what you list as clean connectors from floppy drives. I have a couple of 5gallon buckets full that i would like to move. I am also working on my pile of lcd monitors to get the gold trimmed boards so i can send it all in one box.
clean cut floppy connectors $4 pound, all other gold connectors $1 pound
silver mylar from keyboards i have 5 lbs,what is it worth,ed.
I only have a few smaller micro sd cards, 128mb-512mb, and some adapters to make the micro's fit in standard sd slots. I come across these from time to time and the smaller ones won't sell on ebay. Do you have a price-point for these? thanks
i will buy micro sd cards at the sim card rate, the adapters i can buy but at a lower rate like $2 pound basically all they are is a connector. Di you have a jewlers scale so you can weigh the micro sd cards?