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  1. #1
    BumpRacerX started this thread.
    Last Online: 01-03-2020
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    Buying Silver Mylars and finger cards PREMIUM PRICING FOR NO BRACKET!!

    7/10/13 HUGE THANKS to everyone from this community that offered support during the process of dealing with the fire. It made me proud to be a member of such a great community.

    We are back up and running in a streamlined format. I'm going to focus on purchasing ONLY bracketless finger cards (risers allowed, but only if they are not the majority of the load) and silver keyboard mylar by the pound. In order to make things simpler for everyone, there will only be one price paid for the bracketless cards, regardless of type (excluding risers).

    Pricing per # as of 12/03/13
    Silver Mylars $3.25
    Bracketless finger cards $3.90
    Trimmed Bracketless Finger Cards $2.40

    As of right now, that is all I'm interested in buying. I'm happy to be back once again providing another venue for the many fine members of this forum. I apologize for having to shut everything down, it's been a brutal last 3 months having to sit on my hands until everything was resolved. I appreciate your patience.

    Prices are goods shipped to 49738. I'm willing to work on the honor system to start, and pay first via Paypal. All transactions are subject to my approval.

    If you have any questions, please post them here, send me a PM on the forum, or email me The Hotmail email is also the email to send invoices to for paypal payments.

    NOTE:PLEASE NO CARBON OUTLINED MYLARS. The Carbon will not separate from the silver, and they cannot be refined by the method that I'm going to use.
    Last edited by BumpRacerX; 12-27-2013 at 02:59 PM. Reason: 12/27/13 pricing updated :(
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  2. #101
    BumpRacerX started this thread.
    Last Online: 01-03-2020
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Aug 2011
    Thanked 177 Times in 73 Posts
    Yep, $3.25 a pound shipped.

    PM for details please.

  3. #102
    dwaggs's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
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    Are you still buying mylar? I don't have an paypal account. Have 15-20 pounds.

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