Good day , my apologies for not posting with pricing , market tends to fluctuate constantly and I don't always have time to edit the list on the forum do to busy schedule , nevertheless , current spot pricing below ...
Payments are made in advance via Paypal or company check after arrival and sort , usually within 24 hours of arrival depending on size of lot ... Any additional info or pricing needed , feel free to email or call ..
Advanced Research LLC
Ph # 678-983-7852
$115.00 Intel 386 and 486
$105.00 Motorola Lg ( 486 size )
$75.00 Pentium Pro Gold Caps
$40.00 Cyrix/IBM/VIA Gold Cap / HP Gold Tops
$38.00 Pentium Ceramic
$30.00 AMD Ceramic Clean (No Aluminum)
$32.00 Black Fiber CPU
$10.00 P3 Green Fiber no Heatsinks , approx. 50 per Lb , Brown AMD / Green Intel
$5.00 Green Fiber with Heatsink - Pins
$4.75 Green Fiber P4 pinless 775
$45.00 DLPs
$65.00 AMD 486 / 386
$115.00 Motorola Co Processors ( gold cap and pins , small approx. 6 - 7 grams each )
$65.00 Intel Dbl Gold
$60.00 NEC / Toshiba Pinless Dbl Gold
$34.00 Nortel Black Cap mini co processors
$34.00 Nortel IMAX
$13.00 Memory Gold
$9.00 Memory Silver
$11.00 Clean Slots