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I am in Maine, do you buy computer plastic parts?
Thank you for the explanation of how you conduct business and answering my questions.
Question 1:The range in pricing for the hard drive boards is because the range in types. EXAMPLE: average scuzzi drive board contains around 250ppm of Au where as your average sata drive board contains around 100ppm of Au.
Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:
I have follow up questions regarding hard drives. You list the ppm(parts per million ?) of Au(gold) in two types of boards. What about IDE hard drive boards and what is the pricing for each type of board? Could you also explain how or where those yield numbers come from and also what is the ppm of the other metals found in those boards?
Also what does 100 ppm of Au(gold) translate to grams?
The 50% / 50% is for larger loads that will take more time to look thrue a gaylord or two. I understand your concerns but you also have to understand that i can not pay out 100% on a load of boards that will consume more time to sort thru then the seller has to wait around.
Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:
How much time does it take for you to sort a gaylord of mixed boards? From what I have read from other people that have delivered large loads to other buyers, there is never a problem getting in and out in a timely manner and getting paid the same day.
Sorry if it seems I am nitpicking but still can not get past the 50% now and 50% later payout.
If you have 20,000 lbs of boards lets say 22 gaylords he can not process it in 20 or 30 minutes. That takes hours and depending on the time you get there maybe the next day. So the 50 / 50 is fair. All your big dealers do this. Most people here do not work on that volume here people have 100 or 200 lbs that you can sort in 5 minutes. The 50/50 is to keep everyone honest the buyer and the seller. Would you buy something you haven't seen 3.00 a lbs. So the 50/50 will not apply to most of the people hear.
The 50% / 50% is more for clients who send me more then a few gaylords. I sometimes get half a trailer of boards.The 50%/50% doesnt apply to smaller loads that can be sorted thru in a timely manner if the seller is present..And alot of times the seller isnt present when his loads arrive so rather then disrupt the plan of the day product gets weighed in and properley plackered then staged in its order of presidence. I am not the one to sort thru the boards I have two well experienced employees to sort. I will however welcome the first time seller and answer as many questions as i can while his product is being sorted thru.
I dont see see any questions as nit picking because I used to be on the otherside of the transaction table when i owned my own e-waste Businesses so feel free to ask as many questions as you like and will answer as many as I can .
Brasscatcher the questions you ask go beyond common knowledge and stray into company trade secrets wich i am bound legally to protect as an employee. I am sorry and please understand my position. I am a member of the GRF where I do not conduct business of any type and maintain a neutral hobby stand point. I know for a fact that your answers can be answered by researching the archived threads or by asking one of the experienced members.
I can answer this for you PPM = .001grams
I do not but i have many associates that do depending on the type,quantity,contamination and if they are baled or not. Send me either an email or private message explaining what you have and i will see how i can help you. how did you get your Military Vetrans Badge? I am a disabled Vetran from desert shield desert storm.
It's a ratio that's an average of different board types. If you think of this in pounds, it's easier to understand since you're selling to them in pounds.
100ppm example: 10000lbs of boards will yield 1lb of gold.
(X)PPM can be thought of as (Original Weight)/1,000,000 * (X)
Reading between the lines, the measurement being in PPM suggests how the boards are processed by the biggies: all the boards are ultimately ground up and the resulting porridge is processed for the various metals in it--and probably not just the gold. Probably looked at much like processing precious metal-containing ore from the ground.
Manchvegassalvage, can you tell us a little about the processes involved? Do you know if it is chemical extraction or do they use heat to melt everything down?
If I had 20k lbs of boards I would be going direct to a refiner. No I do not buy anything sight unseen, but I wouldn't sell something to a stranger and wait 5 days for a payment either that is worth thousands of dollars. The original post did not differentiate between 100# or 1 gaylord, which is why asked what I asked.
Sean- thanks for the honest responses and the information you provided. I only asked about the pgm content since since you provided some info regarding the Au content. I do understand those are closely guarded secrets and I can access them as well on the grf.
You may want to list a price for each individual type of hd board if that is how you are buying them. It will make the sorting process on your end easier as well.
Good luck with your business and I am sure that since you outed yourself as a member of the grf you will be getting some questions regarding refining and possibly contribute to those discussions here. There are a few members from over there that are members here that have contributed their knowledge on the subject.
One last question, are you refining your own material or do you work with a refiner that you would recommend to people? I ask this since there is a thread on here asking about honest and reputable refiners to work with.
Some items you might want to add pricing for that local peopel will probably ask about a lot.
power supplies with and without wires
cd/dvd/floppy drives
Low grade "brown" board
your policies on crt or flatscreen tvs.
Man, that depresses me that an e-scrap buyer finally showed up in Manch. Moved down to the Philly area two years ago but spent about 6 years in Manchester. We'd run all our network cable down to the scrap yards in Chelsea since we couldn't find a yard in Southern NH that payed half decent. Speaking of, what are your prices for cat5, cat5e, etc? Have some friends up there that might still be interested in a nearby scrap yard.
Do you have the scrap yard along the Merrimack over by CMC hospital?
And **** I miss Milly's Tavern's fall Pumpkin ale. And their cheap happy hour. And the Wild Rover's lobster mac n' cheese. And Strange Brew... :(
I am confused if you had 20K lbs of boards wich COULD be worth 10s of thousands dollars ( NO Guarantee ) . You would pay up front for all shipping, Broker fee's, Customs fee's, Trucking Fee's , Container Fee's, Import fee's, and insurance with NO MONEY up front for you product. Then wait 120 days for them to tell you what your product is worth hoping the metals didnt go down. But you wouldnt sell me a few thousand dollars worth of boards (knowing the prices your getting) with 50% payment up front and remainder within 5 days.
I think you hurt my feeling ;(
IF I had that much my logistics would be worked out long before I was ready to move it. I have a friend who owns a trucking company and on that amount of material I am sure shipping could be worked out with the refiner. Customs fees, import fees not an issue since I would not be shipping out of the country. I also would have proper representation of my materials by the person of my choosing to make sure everything is going as it should be, I believe industry standard is around 1% of final settlement. There would also be be 3 samples taken of the melt, one for me, ,one for the refiner, and a referee sample in case there is a dispute at time of settlement. I would also want full accounting of all metals recovered and paid out as such. I also believe that one is able to lock in a settlement price prior to having materials refined. I may be off on this but I do believe reading that as an option so you would have an idea of what to expect, still taking a chance on metals rising but less of a risk. Or you may open an account where the refiner will hold your metals upon you requesting payment, again may be off on this but I believe that is an option. I have done my homework on the subject so I will be ready when and if I ever get to that point:D
As far as selling materials to you, it is always an option as with any other buyer here as long as your prices are better than what I get locally. As of today you are still .50# lower than what I am getting for P4 mobos, all the rest of your prices are within a few cents either way so shipping for a few pennies would eat into my profits. I do like your telecom prices though. I am also still curious on the breakdown of pricing on hard drive boards.
Don't be sad though, I dont ship Mobos to any other buyer here either since I have a good thing going locally, but there is always hope;) I do like your moxy though, you will do well here.