First time posting on the forum here. My company is located in Massachusetts and are looking to sell ABS Plastic from printers. What we have been trying to do is separate the plastics from the metals in the printers by shredding the printers and using a magnetic conveyor to get out most of the metal (some small metal still gets through mostly aluminum) We have a buyer currently but we are only getting $.16 for mixed colored ABS plastic bales. I was hoping that I would be able to get more for this plastic and was wondering if anyone new people in the area that are interested in buying ABS plastic. Also, I have thought about granulating the plastic and try to sort some of it by color but it will cost a lot in order to get the machines to do that but is the price difference worth it? Does anyone know what kind of prices I can get for the grains and if I can get more for the plastic bales that we have? We are looking to process around 30k lbs a week at the time.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.