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Yeah, I am starting to get that the price is pretty standard and we can get more if the bales are heavier. However I would like to find out the best way to capitalize on the plastic. My thought process is making it in to grains then separating them by color but I am not sure if its worth the price for the equipment and labor.
I did an experiment with a limb/brush chipper with a 5 hp motor on it. It would chip up the plastic just as fast as I could shove it down the chute. I used a double wall cardboard box to catch the chippings and the chipper is throwing it out the chute so fast and hard that it cut a hole right thru the box.
I would set the chipper above the gaylord and let the chippings fall into it. Might just have to sharpen the blades/hammers every once in a while.
It won't accept large pieces tho, would have to cut the large chunks into more manageable pieces.
Might be able to use something like that to get the program started, let it pay for a better machine.