Man, I give up. Nobody is asking you to smash a tube. If you are, your doing it wrong. The electron gun is where the glass he needs is as at, an it's easily removed without breaking the freaking tube. Go try it yourself if you don't believe me or the others who have done it successfully. The OP even told a way to do it without breaking the tube. As have I an others. It's not that difficult.
It's not your cup of tea so be it, but don't go acting like the man is asking you smash tubes for him. He's not. I would hope the majority of you would know I'd not smash a tube for any reason, as I've made that plainly clear in the past. If I had to break a tube, I'd not be getting the glass gathered nor would others who've posted in this thread who are doing so.
Far as your gas there's plenty more backing up the below right here on the forums, in the archives, you have but to search. It's a bit harder then just throwing out such statements, I know.
What Is the Gas Called in the TV Tubes -
Both statements are 100% false. The CRT is a vacuum tube, so there is actually no gas inside of it whatsoever. Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:
To those taking on this task, do it the right way. Don't smash the tube, if you can't do it without breaking the tube, just don't do it. To those that don't like this, then don't do it. If it doesn't fit your moral compass, it's not like he's asking you for baking soda to make crack or sell him batteries to make meth. You did know that right? Those batteries you pull out of cell phones, an other items, can be used in cooking meth. Keep that in mind next time your hollering at some glass blower that is capable of making everything from pipes, to glass eyes, to other awesome items from glass.
Sirscrapalot - Truth exists; only lies are invented. - Georges Braque