Hey everyone,
So if you scrap CRT TV's/monitors you probably know the electron gun (metal part) inside the unleaded, funnel glass. On this electron gun are TWO GLASS BARS. I'm hoping to repurpose these bars of glass. They come in all different colors and shapes, but here are some examples:
The brown bars in this picture:
The green bars in this picture:
They are hard to remove whole, so even if they're broken I will still buy them. I'll pay $5/lb for this glass, sorted by color, so if you scrap tv's, throw them in bags, and I'll buy whatever you have. I won't buy the glass from the funnel or tube, only those glass bars. If interested, email me at mtpglass (@) gmail.com Thank you everybody, this is my first post, I'm sorry if this is the wrong area for this.
Offering $5/LB
Must be sorted by color for full $5/lb.
Thanks again!