I sent you a PM.
I don't doubt usps hasnt had any problems, but they are touch and go, long periods I have no issues then suddenly they have problems with material...anyways I thought you should know it is on the hazmat list as solid and it only requires it to not be loose in the package so that it will not spill or come into contact with the handlers. That's all I could get out of that convoluted website.
What I wanted to ask is if you could also add a SELLING ad for us fisherman, The types, sizes, prices...I mean I am an avid ice fisherman (and pretty much any other time). I hate zinc split shot, it's too big it seems like it slips on the line, you use em a few times and they break...more expensive, so I wanted to know if you'd be willing to take a few pics and show us your products maybe post some prices?