Originally Posted by
I realize that, but what is the best quantity and method to maximize profit for both parties?
Ship as much as you at once. Call around an find a good shipping company that will ship a full pallet. If you have that much I would ask that you e-mail our office at
sales@easyrecycles.com an send photos of the scrap so we are both at a understanding of what is being sent. (the return shipping on a item like this is very costly an so best to know for sure what is coming for the first time buy/load...just so we are on the same page.)
Originally Posted by
6 pentium pro processors weigh about a pound without heat sinks.......which processors are worth what?.......they are CPUs right? I just dragged my 1/2 barrel of mother boards out some are old 386 & 486 one had a pentium two on it and I see the heat sink is riveted to the plastic encasing the processor....I spose I should take pics....
I was thinking priority flat rate boxes would be good if I could just separate the more valuable parts for shipping....no? Yes?
Ok I will TRY to explain this...
The green fiber chips (they CAN be a tan color as well) that have metal an the ones with no metal on them..they are low grade an are worth (right now an the price can change) is $8.00 a pound.
The black finger chips the chip is alittle thicker than the green ones...they are worth around $13 a pound
the "glass" slim chips that are gray are only worth about 30 a pound (based wild on the gold stock as gold changes very often)
The gray glass chips that are thicker but do not have a gold top or bottom are worth around $50 but there are 3 grades of this chip an is way to hard to explain.
Gray chips with gold tops an or gold bottoms or both gold top an bottom chips yet again they can range from 45 to 55 a pound due to gold in each chip an again based on the gold market.
The really BIG gold chips that 3inch an 2 1/2inch (Intel Pentium pro) are worth 60 to 90 a pound. Again there are grades here as well, some plants that made them...the time of year that they where made could mean more or less gold. So the gold has to be tested on each one. Due to the price being from 60 to 90 a pound you may see on your invoice we will do it by the gram. In each pound there is 453.59 grams (take money / 453.59 * total weight in grams = total worth) We have all so see some chips weight more or less due to the amount of gold is there or not there per chip but on avg is 87.4grams
Being able to grade chips is not as easy as some people may think it is. Other companies will just pay you a "flat fee" an this is where you are losing out on profits...they are aiming low an will not take the time to do a simple tests. I can pay the high amount of money for my scrap because we DO take the time in grading our items.
I hope this help you understand a little more but this is why we say...just put it into one box an we will take care of it from here. I have been doing this for a good bit now an very fast at grading them.