Mario do you have a separate price for laptop motherboards?
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Mario do you have a separate price for laptop motherboards?
I was quoted dual socket server price for laptop motherboards. He has since broken the dual sockets into 2 groups though.
server small socket is lower than mother board :(
Ya I confirmed it via phone, it isnt a mistake. Best to let him explain it, as I may have improper choice of words.
There are other metals involved with pricing circuit boards, not just gold. I'm sure Mario has an equation for all the types of material that he buys, which is dependent on not only gold, but copper, silver, palladium, etc, and prices accordingly. On the other hand, it could have been an adjustment to the equation itself. This isn't an exact science, but determined by averages.
Ok, great but what are the prices for laptop mobos? Mario?
Laptop boards as long as clean of all metal goes for server grade which was %4.00 something a lb before market crashed. But you go to pull all metal including the flash card reader. You throw that reader in with the cold connectors.
anyone know if the DVD/CD/Floppy price at .15 per pound is with boards, or without?
Dropped off a package today at Fed ex!
Ewasted, thanks for the info.
anyone have a picture of what this is ... thanks in advance .....................
$50.00 Gold Fingers (Pricing is for quality cut trim. Little to no Green, otherwise deduction)
Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:
Here you go, notice how close they are trimmed, not a lot of excess circuit board:
hello ewasted,im new to this i just found out that your actualy not an un drivable distance away from me,about 4 to 5 hours according to map quest so this is making the whole idea of my e scraping businius more and more dooable,i see on your price list it says computer plastic,9 cents a pound i think i read that question is is this only pc plastic or can it also be tv moniter and printer plastic,as long as i take all metal off of it,also i stripped a ton of cell phones befor i saw the prices for whole phones i believe id be better off selling them whole ..could i also include cell phone plastic,i reckon just let me no what kinda plastic i can include,and if all colors can be mixed.the reason im asking is that if im going to drive up there when i get a truck load ill go ahead and fill a horse trailor with plastic and bring it heck it may cover gas for the trip...and once again another big thank you to the members of this site,also i didnt see a low grade board price as im new to this i may get some boards mixed up and was wondering if you buy the tv,dvd player and radio boards also
one more thing i have several pcu,s they say,intel i486 dx2 there ceramic on one side and other side has gold pins and a square of gold plate, are these the higher priced ones ive saw on your list what confuses me is mine dont say intel pentium they just say intel im not sure the difference hate to bother you with newb questions but any advice will be greatly appreciated
549 from what I have read here is that anyone who went to ewasteds facility have always had glowing reviews for the time they take to explain how items are graded. It may be worth the trip to get that education in person. You can also try using google image and see what the difference is in your processor chips.
im nmore worried about the plastic question than the processor question,at best id be transporting a five gallon bucket of processors.but on the plastic id have a20 foot trailor full at the least.i really need to be clear on all the details about the plastic
549, on his website there is a link for a live chat and you could ask them those questions in real time, and there is someone to answer you. The last trip I took included low grade boards and power supplies to pay for the gas.
thank you once again mechanic
I have a load heading your way now, Mario. As always I'm sure I will be pleased with the outcome..
I have a question on better examples of what telecom and higher grade boards would be. I know what a typical older telecom board looks like but I have a lot of non-typical high end telecom and networking equipment and I am unsure on what it would be.
Sending off first box of E-Scrap to Mario & gang tomorrow. Got registered & printed FedEx shipping label, process smooth as silk. Kind of excited as local yards not paying much. Now just need to find shipping pouch, have hundreds at work but can't find one at home to save my life.
Do you guys have a store front dont like using the mail IM willing to travel to you guys please let me know asap thanks Darren
You can make an appointment to deliver the items yourself. Unless things have changed, you can wait while they weight your items and leave with a check.
Sometimes he is on the forum all day long and sometimes he goes days without posting. Go to their website and create an account. Then create a lot. You need a lot in order to ask questions, but you can always modify or delete the lot latter.
Im about to send my first package off this week ... if i can find a big enough box .. lol .. i got a question i found what my wife ways a business server do i take it apart or what ?
Remember when motherboards went for $4.05 a pound? THOSE WERE THE DAYS
I know I am waiting for those days to come back lol
Shipment sent
processing must be slow there now. i chose to send to them because of all the reviews of fast turn around time. they sent me an email saying they received it last week and have had no response back
yea, good people, they took my boards when other buyers fell through
Have trusted these guys with thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of material.........Check has always been good......Sometimes turn around faster than others but have always been quick with answering any concerns or questions about payment!!......No worries here as I put together another box LOL
Please send us an email to
I unfortunately can't do anything to help without information. Once I have a little info we can track this down and figure out what is going on.